They may have a design issue on that frame.
You ain't just whistlin' Dixie...
mentioned elsewhere, we got an 041 for my wife as a backup bike. She's ridden it maybe four times, and never anywhere too technical, mostly local trails. Plenty of info about her thoughts in the linked post.
A couple weeks ago, I had a buddy try it out so he could check out MTB. He wasn't a fan, but he's a city boy and doesn't like being in the woods. Freak.

Today, another buddy gave it a try on the same trails, which are _very_ non-technical. It's called the Green Ribbon trail, and it's easily ridden on a road bike with 23c tires. Some roots here and there, but otherwise glassy smooth hardpack. While we were out riding, I hear a loud crack, and look back, nothing seems amiss, huh... guess something just shifted on the bike or something. My buddy jokes that he just broke the bike.
Get home and I'm bringing the bike in the shop and I remember this post, so I run a finger on the area shown in dudleik's photo, and...

Considering all the other issues we had with this frame, I'm supremely unimpressed at this point. I pulled the seatpost out and compared it to this junction, and the post went past where it cracked.
At this point, considering the age of the frame, I would think long and hard before getting an 041.