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Re: Speeder SC-R52D
Can anyone identify this frame on Adrisport website?

Looks similar to Winspace T1500 /Speeder SC-R49D however the chainstay and downtube is slightly different.

Looks awesome, but the price is outrageous (if it's an open mold/shared frame).

Virtually everything is different to the Speeder.   Pretty sure it will be a catalogue frame from someone though.  I highly doubt "conçu en France" will come true any time soon, let alone their ridiculous claim of "produit en Bretagne".

Edit: weren't renders of this posted absolutely ages ago?  more than a year maybe? On that note, the 'photo' of it being ridden still looks like a bad 'shop job.

January 02, 2023, 03:20:01 PM
Re: ICAN triaero A9
My A9 is finally arrived. Video review will follow, but here are some things I have noticed, which I can not judge myself, especially in the headset area.

1.From the picture one can see it is a bit rough (where I marked red). Some discoloration does not bother me at all since it will not be visible anyways.
2. In the video one can see some freeplay between the headset and the bearing. It means, the frame is wider by probably 1mm. Both bearings tested, since I do not know which is the correct one. Do you think it is a reason for concern ?

Looks almost as bad as my Velobuild.  Though I think in the case of the latter that was them chewing it up with power tools.  In your case it looks like they cut into a massive void when they machined the bearing seat, which then disintegrated.  It's obviously totally unacceptable.  In my case it wasn't worth pursuing.  Getting a replacement frame through customs would have been a nightmare.  For this and other reasons (mainly other problems with it), the VB is relegated to trainer bike.  If you're reasonably able to pursue a replacement frame, I would, as that's awful ...

January 03, 2023, 10:35:36 AM
Re: 2022 Cervelo S5 If you want something long and low and aero I think you'd be much better served by a Speeder R49D than a knock-off Cervelo.
January 07, 2023, 06:48:05 AM
Re: Speeder SC-R52D The BB looks poor ... it's certainly not on the VB (etc) scale of dog shit, but also not like anything else I've seen from Speeder (or brands using their frames). 

I'd raise it with them.

January 09, 2023, 01:05:12 PM
Re: Speeder SC-R52D
For whatever it's worth...

Speeder is not a factory. It is also not a brand with a factory shareholder/ownership stake. They are an agent, at the mercy of whatever their factory(s) send them.

The frames could be overstock, larger brand QC rejects, factory allotment, or a mixture of all three.

However, when you're just an agent rather than a factory accept liability for the frames without any recourse to the factory. For example a brand like Specialized or Trek can bully a factory or even take their business elsewhere if the produced frames don't meet the brand's QC. They can simply reject the frames and stop paying the factory.

An agent like Speeder doesn't have that level of power and control. They most likely would have to eat the costs.

False.  Speeder are the factory basically in all but name.  It's Focus Carbon Tecnologies' brand - FCT is the actual factory.  I don't think their to-consumer-and-small-brand side is big enough for them to be run separately by different teams as FBA and Carbonda are.

January 09, 2023, 04:53:44 PM
Re: Carbon Repair - Is my frame fixable?
I dropped my chain when downshifting on my road bike, and it got sucked between the chainring and chainstay. It wedged in there sideways and put some deep gouges in the carbon (after tearing off the aluminum protection plate). I suspect the damage is worse than just the gouges because there are some hairline cracks in the finish nearby, suggesting that it flexed quite a bit, and it fails the tap test.

I'm reaching out to Canyon to see what they will do for a crash warranty, but I'm curious as to whether damage like this would be repairable using a carbon repair kit.

Canyon should warranty this.  Because the aluminium protection plate should be bonded well enough to stop this.  It looks like it was just stuck on (over the paint??) with some glue though.

January 10, 2023, 04:45:24 AM
Re: Elves Falath EVO 2023
After watching the Cam Nicholls video, am I the only one who doesn't think this bike looks fast? It looks like it was designed to have the appearance of being aero from the side profile, but clearly fails in several areas. The frontal profile on the head tube and fork is super chunky compared to the Falath Pro. Everyone knows frontal area=drag. There's also a lot of weird tube profiles, the seat tube and gusset have a really square frontal profile, and the top-down cross-section of the head-tube right behind the steerer doesn't really taper, instead terminating in a chunky square flat back like on a Trek Madone. This area of the head-tube is probably the most important part to make as narrow as possible since it gets the cleanest air. But then the downtube narrows and never widens again to shield the water bottle. It's backwards of what you want, which is narrow up top and a wider, flatter back down low to shield the bottle. I just don't get it. I'm not an aerodynamics expert but this bike seems to just violate a bunch of aero principles I know of. I wouldn't be surprised if the outgoing model is faster with bottles on.

That and it's heavy. I initially saw online rumors that the frame would be ~900gr. Now 400 grams over that? Even heavier than the outgoing model? I can't see this being popular.

I think both are ID52 headtubes so I'd be surprised if there was much difference.  Also the frontal area of bike is a red herring.  It's the frontal area of the rider and whether air will attach to the bike or rider.  Any increase in head tube area will be minute, if there is any.  Air should in theory attach much better to this frame than the prior one.  Infill / compensation triangles are massive compared to the previous one.  Hence why it was also never going to either be super light or as light as the previous one.

What matters most and we still don't know is what the spacer situation is, and what the third party / stem cockpit situation is.

Also from my perspective, they had mentioned a 61 size, but still no geo forthcoming.

February 02, 2023, 10:15:11 AM
Re: Groupset News It's not 3D printed it's a thermoplastic mold.  Thermoplastics are always going to be heavier than laminated cf, but I don't think the odd design helps with the weight.

If this was an experimental bike from one of the major brands, BR would have given it 4 stars at least, even if it was double the price with Sora.

February 05, 2023, 04:08:06 AM
Re: Groupset News
Sensah electronic rim levers

That looks pretty rough ... hopefully proto.

February 07, 2023, 09:11:42 AM
Re: Elves Falath EVO 2023
They made several social media posts including a size 61, but geo hasn't been released.

Had it confirmed that there will be a 61, but no geo yet.  They're going to need to boost the stack a shitload.  Their suggested sizing chart currently suggests that people up to 198cm can ride the 59.  Maybe if their arms are longer than their legs?

February 07, 2023, 09:14:09 AM