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Re: Velo Build R-099 Build Names all sent to Chris.  Thanks everyone.  Also initiating my 099 order finally.

Going to go for a 58, with 80mm stem and no handlebar, obviously with a zero offset post. 

Paint wise I'll go for a Blue Chameleon into Black fade with Neon Pink Splatter on the Black and fade areas.

On that note, has anybody ordered a frame with splatter from them? I don't recall seeing one. 

March 18, 2022, 03:19:44 AM
Re: Yoeleo G21 - Yoeleo's New Gravel Frameset The number of builds you do is insane!

Curious how it rides.  Still disappointed by the shit show with Lexon / Top carbon 066 ... geo on that is perfect

April 01, 2022, 11:59:27 AM
Re: FM1001 / FM1156 - 135mm frame I don't think the change in seat and head angles are that significant.  Possibly you might think they'd be more, and I feared they would be after you highlighted it.   I used a calculator to check though.

Going from a typical 547mm 140mm fork to a 524.5mm R7 Pro results in 78.1° > 79.1° SA and 65.5° > 66.5° HA. 

Reach is up 10mm and stack down by 8mm, but I can add a spacer and steeper SA will basically mean parity on reach.

1° difference definitely isn't going to make descending dangerous.  There are more extreme numbers stock these days on some bikes.

I think the moral of the story is that wheelbases are so damned long on modern MTBs, even losing or adding a couple of cm to Axle to crown won't effect angles too unduly.

Does seem like the 51mm offset fork would be better (if I can source it) as wheelbase would lose 9.2mm instead of 16.8mm. 

Anyway, thanks for raising what you did, as your concerns led me to look into it further.  And it looks ok to me.

Further edit.  Adding one of these will will cut STA and HTA angle changes to 0.5° for each.

April 13, 2022, 02:42:37 PM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-218 FWIW Chris told me the mold was not from the Taiwanese copiers and that the BB is BSA because many customers had asked for it. 

Not sure what to think.  It seems very odd to me, given that virtually the only other carbon bikes produced these days with BSA are clones - because they haven't updated their tooling.   And I never see anyone asking for it except steel traditionalists on round tubed bikes.   BSA-68 is a completely deprecated standard for carbon road frames, and for good reason.  Shell width is very narrow, bore diameter is small, and there's the danger of galvanic corrosion and debonding re: the carbon / alu interface.  It's basically the worst of all worlds.

I see people asking for BB386 and T47 ... but BSA-68 on a carbon road frame? Wat.

April 18, 2022, 05:45:31 PM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-218
Because everyone wants to look like they belong to INEOS Grenadiers…

If it makes a difference, the F12 has an Italian BB, which is just BSA with the bad habit of loosening itself over time

I'm shocked.  The F too still has ITA .... that's absolutely ridiculous.  No wonder it can only fit a 28mm tire max, despite less than massive faring of the seatube over the rear tire. 

VB are claiming 32mm.  If true then the BB area and chainstays must differ significantly from the original. 

SKY / INEOS going after all the marginal gains and then not insisting on an update to a modern BB standard after all these years.    That's pretty funny. 

I take back what I said then.  In this context BSA makes some sense.  But imagine if it had been BB386 instead ...

April 18, 2022, 09:18:50 PM
Re: Velo Build R-099 Build Zero setback post.  Shortly to be shipped out with my frame.
April 26, 2022, 03:41:12 AM
Re: Velo Build R-099 Build Chris should tell me when they're ready. Mine isn't shipped yet.  They haven't been coated  yet - pic was raw. 
April 28, 2022, 06:51:15 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-218 Think you'll need to wait a month or two for many reports.
May 08, 2022, 07:12:54 AM
Re: Velo Build R-099 Build Got a tracking # today and UPS have received my frame.  So I assume the zero offsets are now available to order.  For those who supported the mold costs, remember to give Chris your name for the lower price to be honored. 
May 12, 2022, 09:28:13 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame

hahah totally!

One of the presenter seems to not be a fan of Chinese based brands from what I've seen in the past and the reaction in this video haha - Just you wait!

They're a fan of what ever they're paid to promote (or exclude).

May 12, 2022, 10:50:52 AM