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Re: Toopre mechanical disc brake calipers (post mount) TRP Spyres are honestly very good. But anything that's mechanical now a days gets looked down on. Good luck with the build and post photos when done!
December 30, 2022, 11:46:34 PM
Re: Toopre mechanical disc brake calipers (post mount)
Thanks for your replies and suggestions - and for your other posts that I've read!

tl;dr I'm going for TRP Spyres.

I'm already using Juin Tech F1 on another bike and I'm happy with those. However, the price of Juin Tech brakes have gone up a lot since I bought my current set, and I'm now trying for a budget build.

The newer cable/hydro brakes (ZRace/Onirii BR-[0]05) appear to only come as flat mount, and putting flat mount calipers on post mount frames seems trickier than the other way around. I found some adapters (, but even if they fit, they result in having to use a 20mm larger rotor. In my case that'd mean going from 160mm to 180mm, and I don't want that.

Reviews of the Toopre brakes on Amazon were less than stellar, so I'll go with TRP Spyres.

Check out the Zoom XTech (something like that?) If you're looking for post mount cable hybrid brakes.
We got those for my girlfriend's Felt road bike. From my limited experience, they work about as well as any other similar caliper I've used before, maybe easier to install.

December 31, 2022, 12:43:41 AM
Re: BXT-Gravel-135 Got it mostly built up.
The cable routing through the frame was a piece of cake minus the handlebar, that however is not its fault as that is from another manufacture. The exit of the bar is far to angled to allow proper shifting. Ultimately had to cut a relief channel. Hoping the bar it self holds up.
Other than that build was smooth.
I am waiting on some longer tubeless valves as the ones Prime included with the wheel are to short for a pump to actually attach to.
Once I get those setup I hope to actually get out on a shakedown ride but the weather will dictate that.

January 07, 2023, 04:38:07 PM
Re: Tsunami Seaboard GR02 Budget Gravel Build Here's a few pic of my completed seaboard. Now I need the snow to melt to try it out!
January 09, 2023, 10:57:04 PM
Rinasclta Granite Aero "All Road" Bike Frameset So I have one of these coming my way. Attached is a photo from the factory

-Geometry is more road than gravel
-I ordered a size M/54
-No integrated handlebars, will be using my tried and true FSA NO.69/SRS headset to route the cables.
-700c*38mm max tires size
-While I have an actual gravel bike (Yoeleo G21), it's mostly overkill around here.
-Chose unpainted in order to inspect any flaws, lower the production time, and I genuinely enjoy painting my own frames.

I asked if they share this frame with any other brands, and their response was:
"We share the frame mold with only one friend across internet"

Obviously it's Airwolf since the photos are identical on both websites.

Will keep you posted...

January 10, 2023, 10:08:55 AM
CarbonSpeedCycle CSC wheels - avoid them Hi everyone, I recently bought a set of CSC wheels on Aliexpress (reference: Europe Stock UCI Certificated 35/38/45/50/60mm T800 Carbon Disc Brake Wheels), I write here my experience hoping it is useful for the future customers.

Tubeless ready, 50mm deep, 18mm inner width, CSCT31 hub, six bolts. The package arrived a bit damaged, and the rim had some little scratches in the bed of the rim, nothing to worry about according to the seller. After a couple of rides, the rear wheel got a little lateral play. I contacted the seller to get technical specs of the hub, in order to fix the lateral play. The seller refused to provide me any information on the hub. I have to guess how to dissassemble the hub and solve the issue. The seller now blocked me, I cannot contact them anymore.

In my experience, CSC is not a professional seller. I have assembled several bikes, starting from the frame, and I have bought from many chinese sellers and manifacturers. When they block you, it is the signal. I got this experience only with CSC and TanTan/Seraph (couple of years ago).

March 08, 2023, 04:35:15 AM
Re: Flyxii FE-02 Build Ltwoo group arrived today. Gave it a quick cat scan just to be safe.
March 08, 2023, 02:14:25 PM
Re: LTWOO RX hydro sets
What kind of protection is that on the shifter (looks like a red finger cap) and where did you get it from?

These little rubber end caps are awesome. They protect the shifters and drop bar ends from falls.

May 12, 2023, 10:38:37 AM
Re: Chinese cycling clothes Long term wearer of Chinese cycling kit, over 5 years ago purchased my first Racmmer and Spexcel kit. Own a lot of kit from Rapha Pro Team (probably my favourite to wear), DHB Aeron (my value for money pick), Pedal Mafia (my local brand) and a heap of Australian, European and Chinese brands.

I am hard on my kit, I sweat a lot, train hard and race hard. Did not always take good care of my kit, ie did not rinse my kit immediately after use and used  detergent with added enzymes. If I was lucky I might get 40 or so rides out of a pair of bibs before the went see through. Hence looking for value for money options particularly for my commute/training ride which was 40km one way.

I currently have 30 jerseys and 20 bibs of various colours (everything but white) in rotation. Calmed down purchasing over last 18 months as improved washing techniques have extended the life of my kits and I  am spending time in gym which is changing my body shape.
Quality of kit is changing, what you expect from high end kit 5 years ago in design, materials, constructions is common amongst the value end of the market and what was acceptable to me as budget kit a few years ago is no longer.

My experience with Chinese brands

Racmmer: My first jersey cost me $10 and came with laser cut aero sleeves and body that didn’t breath, great value at the time, but not something I would buy now. I find their base layers don’t breath and the bibs shorts don’t do it, cheap and nasty pad in wrong place, harsh lycra, minimal compression.

Spexcel: Had a bunch of their jerseys from a few years back, looked good, felt good, but they deteriorated fairly quickly, after 30 or so rides, badly faded, broken zips, saggy pockets, stitches just unravelling and even a tear in the material from use not damage. Most jerseys last me for a lot longer before I retire them . The bib shorts rarely got worn as they lacked the compression. Did buy some 2021 releases, the compression is better in the bib shorts , but not the level I get and like  from other brands and the jersey has survived so far, but probably only a dozen rides, but better than others. Would buy again.

YKYWbike: Love the atheistic of their jerseys, but realising they are deteriorating faster the most others jerseys ie 10 to 15 rides and they are worse that jerseys bought over 5 years ago with 50 or more rides in them. Bought their Korea lycra cargo bibs, first impressions great, so I bought a second pair with the Elastic Interface pad, but again after regular use (maybe 20 rides each) the soft, compressive lycra is a little harsh and lost some compression. Really rate their base layers and socks.

Darevie: Friends rave about them, but did like their style. Bought a plain long sleeve jersey, crashed and destroyed it first ride, did not care, cheap material poor fit. Also bought bibs, , the pad is a little thin still done 100km in a pair, does lack the compression I like, the lycra is light weight which is great for summer rides in 30C/90F around here. Liked the range of colours I bought three, only downside is one pair the lycra appears to be damaged on a hip, no idea why.

Cheji took a risk on this brand because they were the first to sell coloured bibs on AliExpress. Happy I did, these are my favourites have three different colours and the bright purple take a beating as my race bibs. Decent compression, has taken a lot of use with deteriorating and the lycra still feel good. Quality wise (construction, materials etc) like the previous DHB Aeron bibs and no problem on 4 hour rides. Have a couple of jerseys that have survived a dozen rides without issue. Only word of warning their pricing is unpredictable and fluctuates. I scored two pairs of those bibs at $25 each, current asking $50 and have seen them at $70. 

Monton a level above the AliExpress brands, I own a pair of their Skul bib shorts $66 very lightweight, great compression, my bib shorts of choice when I had to do a ride in 45C/112F. After sales service leaves a little to be desired my shipment disappeared for 9 weeks in transit. Had tracking got to Chinese airport and nothing, negotiating a replacement was challenging process, then suddenly tracking sprang to life after 11 weeks will my shipment appearing at an airport on the other side of Australia.

Other brands, I have taken a few risks with other brands off AliExpress and generally been disappointed and I don’t set my expectations too high.

June 02, 2023, 08:05:30 AM
Re: Perfect Shift/Brake Lever Alignment and Symmetry Here's a cheap one  8)

I position the brake hoods on the handlebars, so that they are in a horizontal extension from the top of the handlebars.

Then I take a piece of string.
And I place it horizontally at the base of the top of the brake hood, and by parallax with the handlebars, I can see if they are at the same height.
Otherwise, I raise or lower one of the two brake hoods.

Then I measure the distance from the tip of the brake hood to, for example, the opposite side where the stem attaches to the handlebars.
It should be identical on both sides.
Otherwise, I rotate one of the brake hoods inward or outward.

June 27, 2023, 10:29:43 AM