Author Topic: Toopre mechanical disc brake calipers (post mount)  (Read 1742 times)


Toopre mechanical disc brake calipers (post mount)
« on: December 20, 2022, 05:48:29 AM »
I'm looking for some post mount disc brake calipers to go with road levers for a budget build.

Browsing AliExpress, I came across these Toopre calipers. Has anyone tried them?

They're dual piston and look like TRP Spyre clones.


Re: Toopre mechanical disc brake calipers (post mount)
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2022, 02:41:26 AM »
Sorry I have only experience with flat mount cable actuated calipers. From this experience I would recommend following two options:

Juintech R1 (I am using F1 flat mount with great results):

Or as a budget go with hydromechanical flat mount breaks from Onirii / Zrace / Ztto the B005 type (Using on my gravel bike with upgraded break pads with good results):

To work on your frame you need to use Post to flat mount adapters like:

There are a good number of threads regarding cable actuated hydromechanical breaks in the forum. The recommendations above are what people seem to use with success.

BR Chris


Re: Toopre mechanical disc brake calipers (post mount)
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2022, 10:21:14 AM »
+1 to what Chris said. Using Onirii set on my build and they are great.

The Toopre ones seem to use different pad design (with heat sink) than Spyres though so they may not be exact clones.

I noticed Spyres and Tektro Aries can be found at great prices on eBay if you don't want to risk Toopre.


Re: Toopre mechanical disc brake calipers (post mount)
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2022, 03:45:53 PM »
Thanks for your replies and suggestions - and for your other posts that I've read!

tl;dr I'm going for TRP Spyres.

I'm already using Juin Tech F1 on another bike and I'm happy with those. However, the price of Juin Tech brakes have gone up a lot since I bought my current set, and I'm now trying for a budget build.

The newer cable/hydro brakes (ZRace/Onirii BR-[0]05) appear to only come as flat mount, and putting flat mount calipers on post mount frames seems trickier than the other way around. I found some adapters (, but even if they fit, they result in having to use a 20mm larger rotor. In my case that'd mean going from 160mm to 180mm, and I don't want that.

Reviews of the Toopre brakes on Amazon were less than stellar, so I'll go with TRP Spyres.


Re: Toopre mechanical disc brake calipers (post mount)
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2022, 11:46:34 PM »
TRP Spyres are honestly very good. But anything that's mechanical now a days gets looked down on. Good luck with the build and post photos when done!


Re: Toopre mechanical disc brake calipers (post mount)
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2022, 12:43:41 AM »
Thanks for your replies and suggestions - and for your other posts that I've read!

tl;dr I'm going for TRP Spyres.

I'm already using Juin Tech F1 on another bike and I'm happy with those. However, the price of Juin Tech brakes have gone up a lot since I bought my current set, and I'm now trying for a budget build.

The newer cable/hydro brakes (ZRace/Onirii BR-[0]05) appear to only come as flat mount, and putting flat mount calipers on post mount frames seems trickier than the other way around. I found some adapters (, but even if they fit, they result in having to use a 20mm larger rotor. In my case that'd mean going from 160mm to 180mm, and I don't want that.

Reviews of the Toopre brakes on Amazon were less than stellar, so I'll go with TRP Spyres.

Check out the Zoom XTech (something like that?) If you're looking for post mount cable hybrid brakes.
We got those for my girlfriend's Felt road bike. From my limited experience, they work about as well as any other similar caliper I've used before, maybe easier to install.