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Re: Which stems are good? If you are getting a Kalloy Uno stem, you specifically want the Uno 7 or Uno Ultralight models made of 7050al. This is a seller I have bought from, though there are cheaper ones currently:

If you are willing to buy from Taobao, another seller I have been happy with:

And if you are looking for a stem computer mount, these are really high quality. They are bolt spacing specific so you want the Type A (24mm) version:

Nearly all the Uno Ultralight stem are 7 and 17 degrees. A 10 degree version exists, but is much harder to find for sale on Aliexpress.

December 22, 2023, 03:15:10 PM
Re: Elves Falath EVO 2023 I consider myself now as an expert in DT Swiss hub design  ;D  :P

The ELVES front hub is basically a copy of the DT Swiss 350 road straightpull and the back hub a DT Swiss 240.

On my front hub copy the bearings were not properly pressed in, therefore they had too much clearance or in other words the preload on the bearings was too low. So I pressed them in and since then they are rock solid and smooth.

And I cranked up the axle torque to 12Nm.

December 24, 2023, 06:55:36 AM
Re: Elves Falath EVO 2023
That's a sharp looking frame! I saw one Japanese YT'er using his Falath EVO for cyclocross making full use of the wider tire clearance!

Regarding the front fork TA mount being a bit loose, one of my carbon frames also had a similar issue, but on the rear TA. I thought my frame was out of spec, but the vendor recommended I just torque it down until there was no more play. Eventually it settled into place after awhile and didn't require being tightened down as much. Did the frame ship with plastic thru axle holders in place? If so, it might have stretched the fork out of spec slightly.

Tire clearance on this frame is huge, even a 32 looks small  ;D
No the fork is fine and the play in the bearings is gone as I mentioned. I think it was just poorly assembled or lack of quality control.

December 24, 2023, 03:38:23 PM
Re: Best and worst overall quality/value components/tools/gear from AliExpress? These SCVCN photochromic glasses are simultaneously great and terrible.
I wore them a handful of times and they quickly became my favorite glasses, but they can't survive a 5 ish foot drop onto carpet. :-\ Arm snapped right off.
Tbh considering I paid $2, I'll probably buy them again.  ;D

December 27, 2023, 11:27:04 AM
Re: Yuanan Carbon fiber wheelsets Year end discount promotion I don't know for sure, how the sales model works, but i think 10% is pretty much the commission a sourcing agent would charge you to find a product. On the other end, not sure if factory selling agents would make more or less. That vs. the 2x markup you pay a Chinese brand or the 3x markup you pay a "western" relabeling operation is the primary reason why "factory direct" is cheaper.

Aggressively calling out Leon was going to lead to someone posting something personally or culturally insulting, which we got via the comment calling him a "typical Chinese shitbag seller." That probably leads Leon to stop offering deals to members of the forum.

December 30, 2023, 04:03:00 PM
Re: Consensus on replica frames ?? I think a lot of people simply think replica / knockoff = unsafe to ride, but in reality, it is about knowing which vendor to trust as some of the factories are producing good quality replica. Some of the big brands out there have a very small R&D department for frame design, maybe not even have one, they just have a huge marketing department. The blueprint of the frames they are selling are also provided by the manufacturer in China, perhaps with a little adjustments heres and theres.

The idea of associating well-known brands with quality and great design is not always accurate, I think people need to start understanding this.

December 30, 2023, 09:07:36 PM
Re: Which chains is everyone using? I've yet to reach the end of an Eagle XX1.
With the first generation non Eagle XX1, I used to replace the whole transmission every 9 months.
Although I had to change the cheap Aliexpress ring on my FM936 recently, but the chains and cassette are still fine.

Two things have changed since I'm using Eagle chains on my gravel and MTBs.
I rotate 3 chains on each randomly. And hot wax them all together.
It takes about 2h of distant attention(swapping chains every 10' or so) to make 9 to 12 chains.

I started waxing when Marcin from AbsoluteBlack advised me to use squirt in an email.
And then saw the Australian youtuber hot waxing chains.

I always travel with 3 freshly waxed chains, and a small bottle of UFO drip in case of wet rides.

December 31, 2023, 05:40:22 AM
Re: Consensus on replica frames ?? From what I can tell the quality of my VBR 218 is no worse than a usual beginner to middle-class carbon frame from a western brand. As we know a lot of western brands just sell chinese frames with their branding and why should a replica frame be worse than other open molds? The replica has the advantage of compatiblity with a lot of accessories or spare parts from the original though. Geometry and aero will often be better too.

So it depends: If you want a superbike, you'll have to pay for the original and there is a bigger difference. But if you just want some easy middle-class well performing bike, the replica can do that just fine.

I wouldn't put stickers on it too, for sure.

December 31, 2023, 09:23:25 AM
Re: Yuanan Carbon fiber wheelsets Year end discount promotion

PLA: I've deleted a couple of your posts. Feel free to speak your grievances, just please do it in a way without insulting people. We can do without terms like "typical shitbag, idiotic, typical internet hypocrite" etc. I realize you probably think that the forum and myself are being "fragile' but that is just the standard we try to maintain here. Thanks for understanding.

January 02, 2024, 07:14:34 AM
Re: Titanium custom gravel frame Pictures of the frame

January 03, 2024, 12:57:30 PM