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Messages - Daviddavieboy

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I'm looking at older Crux framesets, like a 2019 model. No way I could buy a newer frameset!

 Same here. Plus If I had one I would probably break it. I weigh 200 lbs, I could skip lunch and make up the difference in weight. LOL

Whoa, that weighs more than when I had my alloy gravel frameset!  ;D

I think it's a bit more of balancing act trying to weight weenie a gravel bike since durability and ride conditions are important factors to keep in mind. I might even consider getting an older Crux frameset at this point if I want to drop more weight.

 It's not super light by any means but most stock name brand gravel bikes are over this. What alloy bike did you have that was lighter ? I had a Trek Checkpoint that was 21 lbs. I think without any of the junk (bags, tools, spare tube, food, bottles, f & r lights, garmin, gopro etc) on there it's 18 lbs. I have a Colnago Master that is 18 lbs LOL

 You mention the Crux but where I live that bike is $10k - $15k. I have about $3500 into this with the SRAM wireless. I doubt the Crux would give me 4x as much fun.

What kind of bike weights are you guys getting with this frame?

Mine is 22lb as shown in this picture (one bottle empty). The tires are 650g each and loaded with 3-4 oz of sealant. I can save almost a lb if I used good tires.

Answering my self here., I got it right on the second attempt/order of a directmount hanger, so this is a buying tip for those of you with compatible RD:s and an interest going the directmount route.

I orderd,scm-url:1007.23125.137358.0,pvid:4f84ad9f-55e6-41d2-92bd-72a29fbd4629,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238110%231995&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21SEK%21472.80%2189.80%21%21%2144.49%218.45%21%402101e58b17085265557644453e9815%2112000034975814437%21rec%21SE%21173424834%21&spm=a2g0o.store_pc_home.smartJustForYou_2004123779662.1005005946829585

You'll probably have to copy the link text and paste into your browser to get to the product, this bord does things with pasted links.

 How did that hangar work out ? I am in need of one and was wondering .

2024 Carbon Speed 3 years warranty GRAVEL frameset CS-GR01, custom paint available as well.

 Where to buy ?

The BB is t47 on this one

 The other clones on Ali I have found have BB68, max tire size of 42mm and not internal cables.

Awsome paint job! Can you tell a bit more how did you make it? What was your base color?

 The bike was ordered as blue and I taped off sections using fineline and painted with epoxy paint. It looks ok from this distance but no so much close up. I also made a decal with photoshop.

 Love to have a Pina inspired gravel frame but I am addicted to the t47 bb now.

Hello! I'm from Canada as well and quite interested with the same frame!

Can you share the link where you purchased the frameset? TIA!

This is the like to the store. Unfortunately I think I am going to have to get another as I am finding it a bit big. I am 6' tall and bought the large but I am a bit too stretched out for my liking. I did a bit more painting to mine after I got it as well. It is a great riding frame with very few issues in the build up.

Maintenance, Mechanics, & Tools / Spacing out a front derailleur
« on: April 22, 2024, 05:44:17 AM »
 I have built a Spcycle G056 gravel frame and it went together with very few issues. I chose SRAM AXS with a 'wide' crank which uses a 30/43 rings and the 'wide' front derailleur.

 My problem is that the installed front derailleur does not sit low enough on the hangar as it hits part of the frame of the bike. Is it OK to put a spacer between the frame and the derailleur hangar to move it 3-4 mm away from the frame ? The hangar is a simple 2 bolt one that fits into a recessed part of the molded carbon frame.

 I stumbled upon a Supacaz type on Amazon and put it on 3 of my bikes now. It is very grippy, feels great on the hands even when wet. It is difficult to install, especially around the brake levers and took a great deal of stretching to get it to lay right on the curves of the bars. I also found it on Ali and appears to be the same but with a different name applied.

Do you have a link to the video? Thanks

 ht tps://

Remove spaces. Conclusion is at 12 min

  Mine just arrived today in Canada, one day short of 2 weeks from order time. Everything looks great apart from having to clean the threads on the BB on the non drive side and pant work looks excellent with no blemishes. FWIW bought the Ceccotti version from a different "store" on ALI (very well reviewed).

  I ordered the L size and find its similar to the 56-57 CM bikes I have. It definitly feels smaller then a 58 CM Trek 920 that is my every day bike. The only mistake I made was ordering a handlebar with a too short of stem as I expected the size to be more like my 920.

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: New G056 on it's way !
« on: March 29, 2024, 03:15:21 AM »
Or you could post in the 5 page thread on the first page of this sub-forum ...,3739.0.html

 Back to lurking I suppose. Thanks for your knowledgeable response.

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / New G056 on it's way !
« on: March 28, 2024, 04:03:57 AM »
   Been lurking here reading as much as I can and finally pulled the trigger on a frame. It is a Sp G056 but bought from another seller. I also have a set of Elitewheels (28mm internal with X weave pattern), an integrated bar, etc ordered but I am stumped on a groupset to choose.

 I have read of people having issues with internal cabling and mechanical groupsets but I would like to keep the cost down. At the moment I can get a new 105 2x FULL mechanical group or a Rival AXS 1x electronic group (minus crank). Unfortunately the Rival has a max cassette of a 35t. Either of these is around $1000 CDN and in stock locally.

Link to frame -

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