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Messages - Serge_K

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I think I can get the WR50s down into the budget. People really seem to like them.

I just stumbled across another brand today- BTLOS- anybody heard of them? They have some 31x54mm rims that fit the bill:

It's interesting that they disclose the mix of t700 and t800, I can see myself asking other factories the same question.
Haven't heard of the brand before, but I thought U shape was ubiquitous because V shape was terrible in cross winds?

Btw, light bicycle have rims called Falcon RIM WR65 that are 32mm wide and 65mm deep.
I've been riding 69mm Farsports wheels, I'm about 82kg, I wouldn't advise anyone who's very light to descend on such deep rims, when there's cross wind and you're going fast it's sketchy.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: 36cm bars?
« on: July 03, 2023, 08:51:56 AM »
I've had my eye on the Kocevlo handlebar, only reason I haven't gotten it is because the stem is only available up to 110mm and I need 130mm. My friend has bought a set and I gotta say they're quite nice given the low price

Airwolf sells them up to 120mm stem:

Premium-tier options include Farsports F1:

Super nice thank you!

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / 36cm bars?
« on: July 01, 2023, 10:04:35 AM »
Hello pretty people, what options do I have for 36cm bars? Ideally an integrated cockpit, but beggars can't be choosers.

I just got a set of these:

The 380mm ones are 360mm at the hoods and 380mm at the drops. I have only just installed them and haven't even had a chance to go for a ride yet but overall they seem nice enough.

Did you really spend 130+ USD on these? Can I ask why? it feels extremely overpriced, but i may be missing something?

Farsports do, at least with their wave series. You can customize them if you email them, so with the right hubs and spokes, you're within budget i think.
Winow has the attached specs on 50 & 60mm deep, I asked for the widest they had. I got a cheap quote using powerway hubs. I've had Bitex & Novatec in the past, it looks like Powerway is cheaper and lighter, it looks suspicious to me (I'm ignorant, to be fair).
Others probably do too, this isn't claiming to be exhaustive in any way. In fact, curious for others to chip in too!

Jarkacz, which seller from Ali? Rocking cycling store/Taiwanese bike store? They are related to and I have been looking at them for a while now. For some reasons, they seem reliable. However, I can't really find proper reviews. Also I am sure they sell a lot of them. They seem to be the most reliable replicas I could find.

I currently ride a vbr 218 that I like, but I am looking at building a climbing bike.

Anyone has found detailed reviews from that seller?

If you want a climbing bike, i'll offer my 5 cents. I've been focusing on bikes that can take 32C (call me old, no worries). And that narrows the options a LOT.
Brand: Tideace / Haideli (HDL) / SP cycle / Disai
Model: 053D
Frame should be under 1kg in M, i think they do EPS / latex moulding which would 1. explain the weight and 2. make it comparatively "safer" (less chance of mistakes in the layup), 3. easier to route cables; they sometimes claim to be using T1000 (now whether that's true or not, idk, or maybe they use 10g of it and the rest is T800), and there are reviews that say good things about it (The Bespoke Cyclist on YT + at least 1 bike build video of it), and i could only find positive feedback about these brands.
Now my issue is that i'd like a frame to have a bit more of a sexy aspect to it.
But if i were back solving for weight, i'd probably get that one.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: VeloBuild major issue
« on: June 30, 2023, 04:05:21 AM »
I recently built 2 of these frames and didn't have the problem, but disc rub is super annoying. For reasons i dont understand, sometimes i would remove the wheel, put it back, before no rub, after, rub. Without changing anything, just removing the wheel and putting it back on, front or rear. The clearance between no rub and rub is a fraction of a millimeter, it is so irritating!
These are the 1st bikes i build / use with discs, so idk if that's because of the frame, the brakes (mechanincal), the wheels, and how much of it is my own incompetence (probably a good amount, to be fair).
I found that using a business card on the side that tends to rub can help. There seems to be micro adjustment when you tighten the thru axle, and there's ofc a lot of play when you tighten the caliper. I've also been cute and sometimes tried to limit the default pad spacing to have the levers brake sooner, but that's so likely to rub that you have to be a ninja for that to work (i'm not a ninja).

LTWOO eR9 vs eRX weights: 55g difference (same FD & battery, 20g per shifter, 15g on RD)
Given the eR9 is materially cheaper (c.150 USD difference, which is %age terms is an enormous difference), it makes more sense.
For comparison, the weight diff between a good unbranded Chinese crankset & the carbon ones Trace Velo reviewed is about 225g for 75 USD extra.

Maintenance, Mechanics, & Tools / Re: What lube?
« on: June 28, 2023, 11:00:46 AM »
Been waxing my chains for years, it's awesome. So clean! It's meant to save a few watts too. Followed the videos from that autistic Australian guy.
Have i mentioned how clean they make the bike?

I use a metal bowl over boiling water (bain marie in french), instead of a rice cooker. As far as i can tell, it does the same thing.

Definitely interested!
Where do you plan to get an M800 from? And accessories.

Risen quoted me frame + motor + battery.

I read Berlusconi.
Very nice bike indeed.

Replying to my own threads... This is a candidate. And that's another (they have a carbon frame that makes a bafang M800.
In case anybody's interested.

Did you proceed with any of the above?
I dont have direct experience w any of these brands myself. I have mixed feelings about Elves though, they clearly charge more, but it's unclear to me you get better value (based on what i've seen online)

Anybody wants to chip in on their experience with Winow? I like their upcoming roadie that takes 32C.

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