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Messages - SillyMochi

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Agree with Tilman. As long as they are 110 BCD which the above links are, I don't see a reason why it shouldn't.

I mean this is not a bike for the "budget conscious rider" but for the world tour pros. Can't walk into a Mercedes dealership ask for a Mercedes-AMG GT Coupé and expect an A-Class price tag.

For what it is, it is still priced below what other brands ask. The aforementioned S-Works comes out at 14.500€ whereas this is 9.500€ - that's a whopping 50% added on top. The Trek starts at 13.500€. The only one that is in the same price region is Canyon. And I am not sure you can actually compare the Aeroad to the RCR-F. Even the other two from Trek and Specialized framesets look less "beefy" as in less aero - which is supposed to be the main spiel of this thing.

So, would I buy this? No, most definitely not. But then again I am far from a world tour pro. Do I find this thing interesting and would love to ride it for a test? Well, heck yeah!

But we are digressing: the actual question was, is there anything like it on the Chinese frameset market. I haven't seen anything, and I would be surprised to see something comparable within a year. I like to be surprised though!

Have you done any of the "weather sealing hacks" to your group? Like the silicon grease or other "insulation" works that had been suggested on this thread?

Are you comfortable riding this? Looks like you are cutting it very close?

Does the noise appear constantly (i.e. while wheel is spinning) or only under certain situations, e.g. while pedaling, only on the downstroke on one side, while backpedaling, etc. - you get the idea :)

What's the name of the bars coming from tideace? Are they the same that tantan sells or a different style?

Maybe I was just super unlucky with my disc and it's not commonly as big a problem as I made it seem ...

One thing you definitely don't want to forget is the "internal housing damper" - basically some foam sleaves for your hydraulic lines. Otherwise, prepare for a nice rattling sound once you start riding  :-X
I bought these before:
But with all my links, usually look around and just take the cheapest option. At least that's what I usually do, when I shop around for new things on AE.

Hi, here are some of the tools that I use for my road bike:
I also have some disc brake adjuster ( but I never really use them.
On the other hand, an absolutely essential tool is the disc rotor tool. Most discs don't come straight out of the box and fixing that slight disc rub without it is a freaking PITA! Also if you bump your disc accidentally, this tool will help you get them straight again.


They don't have a lockring... They look nice though :)

I think he meant they already have the center lock "applied" and you don't need a 6-bolt-centerlock adapter. Those huge aero discs look rad - but quite a big price tag as of now. Gotta wait for some reviews and maybe other suppliers jumping on it.

Expected the feature there but have never seen it. Maybe, it's because I am better at grabbing deals than you and only buy things at all time lows?  :P (kidding obviously - I will have a lookout for it on my next orders)

That 12 speed 11-36t is new. It was only listed during the recent anniversary sale. Actually my favorite 11-36t cassette was the Shimano XT 10 speed 11-36t cassette. Shifts like butter and fairly lightweight (like 335g). If I was running Wheeltop EDS TX, I'd run that cassette in 10 speed mode and call it a day. For gravel, I'm more concerned about my low gearing over the small cog high gears.

I know, I was the one posting the link in the "interesting finds thread"  ;D

I just mentioned the speeds because OP was specifically asking for a 11s. And for 11s I don't know any "good" 11-36T ultra-lights cassettes unfortunately ...

ZTTO recently released an 11-36t all-steel cassette. If I was running mechanical 105 R7100 or GRX 12 speed 2x shifters, this would be a massive weight reduction compared to all the other 11-36t cassettes on the market.

That's the same link I posted above - unfortunately, only the 12s is 36T. The 11s version is 34T only.

You have an (anonymized) screenshot of this feature? I don't see anything comparable on the web nor in my app.

For the low price of just 133,39€ you can now get the invaluable sensation of having your ass impaled by raw, splintering carbon.

Sunrace/Sunshine are good budget options. If you are happy with them, I don't see any issue why you shouldn't get another one. They are a bit on the heavy side though, which is expected with a budget cassette.

ZTTO and Goldix have also been well received. They are good brands if you are looking for ultra-light cassettes. Unfortunately, they only make 11-34T 11s in the all-steel configuration. The only 11-36T all-steel I know of is a 12s. There are 11-36T options for 11s but they are a steel-aluminium mix. Since you mentioned gravel, I assume you hit some steep climbs as well and I would not use anything but an all-steel version if you need to put some torque into the cassette.

ZTTO Ultralight 11s 11-34T ~182g
Goldix Ultralight 11s 11-34T ~243g

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