Happy Holidays!
"The product looks good but is in fact very low quality. the functions work well but the overall performance is poor. the fork load's up through travel and gets so stiff it doesn't work. I'm a retired pro cyclist and bike mechanic so I decided to take it apart. it's not a real mountain bike fork in any means. it has a air chamber that works but doesn't have a oil bath. so on either side there are no oil seals. on the rebound and compression side it's a low quality cartridge. again no oil seals so just cheap plastic bushings. I think this fork is good for very easy smooth trails not North shore of BC Canada."
im thinking of trying a cheaper off brand for my xc and trail bike, and i think if i do buy a cheap fork from Ali ill try the ztto ones. their stuff is generally of good quality in my experience.https://www.aliexpress.com/i/32836881448.htmlbut then for a little bit more you can get a manitou markour https://de.aliexpress.com/item/32948135202.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.70dee7f5EOzHzt&algo_pvid=c629deab-b9b0-4f02-af8d-668448c51681&algo_expid=c629deab-b9b0-4f02-af8d-668448c51681-0&btsid=0bb0623e16164130304651188e7aa8&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_
I ordered a Markhor from Anto Bike Store on Ali 2 years ago and as far as I could tell it was legit, it's still going strong.
How do you find the fork? Thinking of buying one for an xc build