Around 450€ with tax (thanks to the declared value of 70€
), also paid roughly 160€ for crankset, 70-ish for Ultegra 11 speed cassette and also bought Sram rotors.
It might look expensive compared to 105 Di2, but 105 groupset costs 1000€ + I'd have to sell stock crank and buy new one (because Shimano doesn't pair 165mm crank arms with their groupsets), replace rotors with Sram or Hope (don't trust Shimano Shite tech rotors), running costs of 12 speed group are higher too
That was a huge miscalculation on my part, I assumed drivetrain was more expensive. I thought the bare minimum with YBN chain, senicx crankset and ZTTO cassette would end up being ~850 for the groupset which is straight up uninteresting when you can have resale value, service and reliability of 105 for not much more. But individual trim, replacable battery and sleeping at night knowing you didn't give shitmano a cent make ltwoo an interesting option, too bad I built my bike just before it was anounced.
But how much can the ER9/ERX mech clear? It's rated for 32T and I know joe said 34T was fine but can it clear 36T? Also when you buy the "no battery" option, does this mean you still get the battery holder and have to buy the batteries yourself, or do you have to buy a battery case? And does anyone know if ER9 will be updated to "blue edition" at the same time as ERX?