It shifts amazingly quick compared to mechanical.
I appreciate electronic groupsets. But they still feel kind of gimmicky to me.
I like the ease of building with wireless groupsets. The tunability is cool, too. But quick I’ve actually found none of them. Di2 is the quickest. I’ve only ridden 11sp Di2 though. Er9 is slower. And Sam Rival is sloooow.
I often wonder how many people riding electronic these days have actually had the chance to compare this stuff to a perfectly tuned top tier mechanical system. Compared to my Record 12sp mechanical, every electronic group I’ve ridden is slower. Particularly in the upshifts. Electronic has less chance for misshifts and is easier to build. True. But quicker it is not.
But the way that frames go, it’s a moot point anyway. Not long and only custom frames will still accept derailleur cables, I guess.