Author Topic: Best TPU tube brand  (Read 16674 times)


Re: Best TPU tube brand
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2024, 09:51:06 AM »
Since my local urban roads suck, I tend to run lower PSI pressures, about 5-10 psi lower than optimal. I've been able to minimize punctures this way with tpu tubes. If I were racing on smooth tarmac, I'd run higher pressures. If I were running wider tires like 30-32c, I'd probably go tubeless. Though I like to climb and prefer the nimbleness + lower weight of 25c road slicks. Also on 21mm internal width rims, my 25c tires widen out close to 28c so I get the advantages of both a narrow tire (less weight) and wide tire (more contact patch).

I can attest to the minor lack of nimbleness when running 30/32c for road. I'm currently testing a set of wheels that stretch 30c GP5000s to 33mm at the rim. The amount of road comfort is absolutely optimal. Basically game changing. But even if it 33mm isn't actually any slower, my heart too still prefers the nimbleness of 28c on a 21mm internal rim.

I'm a full Ride Now TPU convert. My primary bike has wheels with 28mm ext 21mm int. With 28c GP5000s I'm running around 76psi front and 78psi rear. Pinch flats and punctures are basically non existent. I probably get a true puncture maybe once a year at most. But for gravel...yeah tubeless for sure.


Re: Best TPU tube brand
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2024, 10:03:27 AM »
I’ve been running the 19g RideNow tubes. I’d say 1 in 6 have a slow-leak valve defect, and the risk of pinching when installing/swapping is like 1 in 4 for me—and I think with 15 years of racing and tube-swapping experience, I’ve gotten better over time but they really require far more care and patience during install compared to butyl or latex.

I think they’re price competitive with tubeless (as in they don’t eat away the price savings of buying the clincher version over tubeless of the same tire), lighter than tubeless, same RR as latex, same air retention as butyl. So I just buy a 4 or 6 pack and assume 1 is going in the trash.


Re: Best TPU tube brand
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2024, 04:20:25 AM »
I have used RideNow with mixed success, early versions I used were leaking - newer versions I bought seem okay.
Typical Chinerproblems: products are being changed constantly & randomly, it is virtually impossible to understand what version you are using and if improved versions are available or not...
I have ordered ThinkRider but not tested, so far, and I have a pair of Cyclami that I am using without problems

James dean

Re: Best TPU tube brand
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2024, 10:35:53 AM »
i ride the Ride now tubes on all my road bikes. Zero trouble don't know why anyone would use tubalitos


Re: Best TPU tube brand
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2024, 12:34:45 PM »
With Ride now I got 2 flats a month apart, one pinch and one puncture. I was completely shocked since that is more flats than I get from butyl tubes, have not had a flat in 4 months since the last one.


Re: Best TPU tube brand
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2024, 12:43:29 PM »
No one mentioned another brand called Spingo. Those are thicker than any other TPU tubed and much more puncture resistant. As a result they are also heavier around 45 grams for 80mm valve. The RideNow are 36g.
This is the only TPU brand that I had no flats, yet. Every other brand including RideNow, Cyclami, OffBondage, ThinkRider I had flats or slow leaks or got destroyed during installation because they were too thin. The Cyclami and ThinkRider had poor quality valve base and leaked air from where the valve was attached. It also be noted once they have a puncture its better you throw them out as the repair kit patches don't hold well onto the material and eventually start leaking air.
Also if you are on gravel these will go flat. Good for road use only. For gravel I am tubeless for life.


Re: Best TPU tube brand
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2024, 02:19:55 PM »
I can attest to the minor lack of nimbleness when running 30/32c for road. I'm currently testing a set of wheels that stretch 30c GP5000s to 33mm at the rim. The amount of road comfort is absolutely optimal. Basically game changing. But even if it 33mm isn't actually any slower, my heart too still prefers the nimbleness of 28c on a 21mm internal rim.

I'm a full Ride Now TPU convert. My primary bike has wheels with 28mm ext 21mm int. With 28c GP5000s I'm running around 76psi front and 78psi rear. Pinch flats and punctures are basically non existent. I probably get a true puncture maybe once a year at most. But for gravel...yeah tubeless for sure.

I might explore wider road tires again if I ever get 23-25mm internal width carbon road wheels. My gravel wheels are 25mm internal width w/38c tires and the power transfer and road feel are excellent. I've been tempted to try some road slicks on them to see how they handle.

James dean

Re: Best TPU tube brand
« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2024, 05:15:23 PM »
With Ride now I got 2 flats a month apart, one pinch and one puncture. I was completely shocked since that is more flats than I get from butyl tubes, have not had a flat in 4 months since the last one.

1 flat for me in 2 years. my tyre had a gash in it no tube would of lasted the gash. Sorry about ur bad experience.


Re: Best TPU tube brand
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2024, 01:43:48 AM »
Using ride now tubes now for one and a half years on two bikes and no trouble. Just a snakebite as I hit a deep pothole in a groupride.
So I would recommend it.

The last batch I ordered was equipped with transparent valves. Does anyone know why they switched to transparent and if the black valves are available yet?


Re: Best TPU tube brand
« Reply #24 on: August 01, 2024, 02:44:51 AM »
Using Ridenow ever since they first came out. The first few batches were very inconsistent. The latest ones with the transparent valves are the most reliable for me. I’m talking about the 36g version. I found these to be pretty much as reliable as butyl tubes.

I can also recommend the repair patches from Cyclami. Those work very well. I’m currently riding with one patch on the front tube and two patches on the rear. And they keep holding air. I’d even be confident enough to patch a TPU tube on the side of the road if necessary. Though it can be quite hard to actually find the puncture.


Re: Best TPU tube brand
« Reply #25 on: August 01, 2024, 02:08:35 PM »
Using Ridenow ever since they first came out. The first few batches were very inconsistent. The latest ones with the transparent valves are the most reliable for me. I’m talking about the 36g version. I found these to be pretty much as reliable as butyl tubes.

I can also recommend the repair patches from Cyclami. Those work very well. I’m currently riding with one patch on the front tube and two patches on the rear. And they keep holding air. I’d even be confident enough to patch a TPU tube on the side of the road if necessary. Though it can be quite hard to actually find the puncture.

Have you tried their last model with aluminium valve ?


Re: Best TPU tube brand
« Reply #26 on: August 02, 2024, 12:19:28 AM »
Have you tried their last model with aluminium valve ?

No, I have not. Are these the latest iteration? I noticed they released „allroad“ tubes at around 45g for tires up to 34mm or bigger I think? But those still have plastic valve stems.


Re: Best TPU tube brand
« Reply #27 on: August 02, 2024, 06:55:40 AM »
No, I have not. Are these the latest iteration? I noticed they released „allroad“ tubes at around 45g for tires up to 34mm or bigger I think? But those still have plastic valve stems.

I believe it but I am not sure. There is also Geoid brand.


Re: Best TPU tube brand
« Reply #28 on: August 02, 2024, 08:31:43 AM »
I use Ridenow myself still have to check tire pressure before rides as they do lose a little. I also treat them as single use I find the repair patches at cr@p and don't adhere to well.


Re: Best TPU tube brand
« Reply #29 on: August 02, 2024, 09:35:09 AM »
I use ridenow and love them. Cyclami patches works good for me. With new tubes (clear white valve) I also got pair of pink ridenow patches and used them on one of the tubes with success.