Author Topic: New G056 on it's way !  (Read 1339 times)


New G056 on it's way !
« on: March 28, 2024, 04:03:57 AM »
   Been lurking here reading as much as I can and finally pulled the trigger on a frame. It is a Sp G056 but bought from another seller. I also have a set of Elitewheels (28mm internal with X weave pattern), an integrated bar, etc ordered but I am stumped on a groupset to choose.

 I have read of people having issues with internal cabling and mechanical groupsets but I would like to keep the cost down. At the moment I can get a new 105 2x FULL mechanical group or a Rival AXS 1x electronic group (minus crank). Unfortunately the Rival has a max cassette of a 35t. Either of these is around $1000 CDN and in stock locally.

Link to frame -


Re: New G056 on it's way !
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2024, 07:20:57 AM »
Or you could post in the 5 page thread on the first page of this sub-forum ...,3739.0.html


Re: New G056 on it's way !
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2024, 03:15:21 AM »
Or you could post in the 5 page thread on the first page of this sub-forum ...,3739.0.html

 Back to lurking I suppose. Thanks for your knowledgeable response.