Author Topic: Qtour R-01F:Chinese Old Emonda clone?  (Read 884 times)


Qtour R-01F:Chinese Old Emonda clone?
« on: September 29, 2024, 05:20:12 AM »
While browsing Alibaba I came across a frame that looks very similar to the 2019 version of the Emonda.

The geometry is slightly different from the real Emonda, but the look is very similar. After doing some research I found out it is manufactured by a company called QYH Carbon in Jiangsu, China.

Does anyone know anything about this frameset?
Also, do you think it would be worth buying?

alibaba link  :
company link :

This is my first post, so I apologize if there are any mistakes.


Re: Qtour R-01F:Chinese Old Emonda clone?
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2024, 06:48:44 AM »
You're being quite generous comparing this to an emonda. I love that frame, and wish someone would make a version that clears 32C. Who's with me?
Your link is extremely dated given it only handles 25C. A disc frame with such narrow clearance means early disc brake era. Do not buy that frame.
I'm not familiar with that factory.
Fast on the flat. And nowhere else.