I have 2 Ryet saddles, my 'pro stealth' one will be 2yrs in next March and it's still holding up, as comfortable as ever. One of the best items I bought on Aliexpress, for sure
regarding different designs, not sure if there's any 'equivalence sheet' ready, but I highly suggest checking Ryet's store, I believe they have the bigger lineup in 3D saddles so maybe you can find the shape you're looking for there.
this one looks similar to the Nago, but not quitly the same
https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005006994952096.htmlnow, of course comfort and position are always dependent on each one's body-saddle combination, but I find the 'Pro Stealth' shape works really well for a more aero position, hips rotated forward
the wider nose kinda provides 2 support points for you to rotate forward and put weight in the nose, and for me it's reasonably comfortable
Is there anywhere or has anyone identified which saddles are copies of which?
I'm after a sharply tapering flat saddle with a relatively broad nose, like a Flite or a Nago Evo R4. Most of these seem to be obvious power or pro stealth copies, which just don't taper correctly to be able to get your hips rotated forward.