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Messages - albike

Pages: [1]
Vendor Discussion & Reviews / Re: Trifox warranty
« on: June 11, 2024, 01:28:17 AM »
The frame was sdy20 and tò be honest i dont know how it snapped , but It certainly not my fault, i had some kind of responce by trifox so i let you know how it goes

Vendor Discussion & Reviews / Re: Trifox warranty
« on: June 10, 2024, 01:29:53 PM »
The frame was bought around 1 year ago, exactly 8/12/22, i bought It in the official website so i dont have any AliExpress warranty, if i have tò ship It back its not cheap but its cheaper than buyng a new branded frame, i think its stupido ti send back a broken frame btw, for example i know that branded frames want a video when you cut or do a big damage to the frame

Vendor Discussion & Reviews / Re: Trifox warranty
« on: June 10, 2024, 09:10:52 AM »
So i should basically buy a new frame? They didnt even responded tò me, i wrote them at 10pm Yesterday (i am in Italy) and i didnt had any responce about that right now(14:10 pm in Italy) im sad because was a good frame but during a ride i snapped, i am probably going to buy a reputable brand (idk of Scott scale or epic ht), i dont have problema for shopping because its and entire frame and the value Is a bit bigger but i Hope they replace It because It isnt my fault and i am pretty light (68kg)

Vendor Discussion & Reviews / Trifox warranty
« on: June 10, 2024, 01:40:36 AM »
Hello i had issues with a trifox frame, and i contacted them like 12 hours ago, mayby i should Just wait more but they didnt responded, what was your experisnce with trifox warranty?

29er / Re: Ultralight hardtails
« on: May 09, 2024, 02:17:32 AM »
to be honest i dont know but when i bought it the frame was listed a lot less (8\12\2022) and probably is pretty accurate because I weighted it on two scales and there was a difference but wasn't more than 10 grams, they probably changed with a different supplier or is listed more for tollerances, btw the bike for me is good and all my friend that race xc against me(juniores in Italy) are impressed about the weight of the bike (xtr, formula r1r,rotor carbon cranks with pm, carbon wheels are coming today, fox 32 sc......) and I spent like 2600 not more, some components I bought them second hand
if you want i could send you an excel file with all components price and weight, it isn't so accurate but isn't that bad
the price of r1r seem strange but I bought second hand at 50 euros for the set looool, I had magura t8 but they didn't work well but they changed them in warranty
so if someone want new mt8 I sell them at 220 euros

29er / Re: Ultralight hardtails
« on: April 11, 2024, 02:55:17 AM » Trifox SDY20 860g $665 Rinasclta 913g $719 EDIT: Looks like this is actually an Airwolf YFM053
I have trifox sdy 20 and its a good frame its as light as the epic ht sworks I weighted it with hardware 850g in size L without seatpost clamp,i think it isn't the stiffest frame but it isn't that bad and sometimes you don't notice it until you reach like  1600w and more but it could be the crankset tbh

29er / what is the lightest full suspension chiner frame?
« on: April 13, 2023, 03:53:20 AM »
what is the lightest full suspension chiner frame?
I have seen that xds made a frame that is around 1450 g size M without shock but I can't find it online
other names?

29er / which frame should i buy?
« on: November 22, 2022, 08:58:38 AM »
I'm going to build a new xc bike but I'm undecided between 2 frames with very similar if not identical geometries, the first one is trifox sdy20 (890g size L,659$+95$ for shipping to italy, I saw some discount codes under youtube videos that discount the frame by 15% ), the second one is the Spcycle SP-M05   (980g/1000g size L, 403Є+48Є for shipping to italy, i am a little bit scared for this frame because i seen some cracks online , i think that custom colors and no graphics is better)

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