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Messages - Gbodorr

Pages: [1]
29er / Re: Hongfu vs lightcarbon
« on: November 20, 2024, 05:06:25 PM »
Same man :)
It would be great to hear from people who had the chance to try both :)
Lightcarbon LCFS918 has limited options with rear shock (165x40) and they recommend 51mm offset forks.
And those aren't made anymore, at least better models like Sid Ultimate..44mm is standard now
Not sure what offset Hongfu FM138 has, does it even matter if I use 44? (Wating for their email response)
I currently have Sid Select+ 100mm, 44mm offset with raceday charger.  But wont fit to LCFS918 sadly because I have steerer cut a bit too short xD
I am leaning a bit more towards FM138 for now, but epic clone is also an option...  ;D
Lightcarbon has been pretty professional in emails and their site provides really good information.
That's big plus to me.

29er / Re: Epic Evo Clone
« on: November 19, 2024, 03:56:49 AM »
After reading all this, what is the best place to purchase clone, from AWST aliexpress?
Anyone have good experiences? I only see 1 or 2 purchases there

Vendor Discussion & Reviews / legit or fake?
« on: June 12, 2024, 01:18:01 AM »
This seems to good to be real

Does anyone have any experience with them?
Reviews have sometimes the same bike but with different photo angles and usernames.
Supposedly they offer PayPal, but do we have any guarantee about that?

I think this is former Topic:
The comments on their former(?) Facebook pages aren't promising either...

Is it possible to get this frame or stock EVO 8 somewhere on AliExpress?

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