Just got an update from LightCarbon: They will fully replace my frame (painted with the original design). Concerning the crack, it is believed to be an error in manufacturing and moving forward they will pay extra attention by inspecting the frames internally.
I was thinking 2 days ago "hmmm, that thread is dead, with all the messed up frames from a couple of months ago, with the swiss cheese one being an instant classic, i suspect people here started buying other frames".
And then, again, yet another frame built like total a$$.
When's the last time we saw major manufacturing mistakes on velobuild frames? This is not normal. Yes, the 17D is light, but if they can't make them properly, they shouldnt make them at all.
I lost interest in the frame when i saw the shape of the down tube, so i wont do statistics, but it would be interesting to see the bin rate of 17D frames on this forum, compared to other frames. i can think of 1 fake SL8 that disintegrated, and lots of velobuild pinarello clones cracking at the seat post, but that's a known weak point, i guess, and a frame they discontinued months ago.
Also funny to me that Hambini was promoting light carbon on that awkward nero show this week.
At this point, as far as i'm concerned, velobuild sells cheap clones, and they work. Light carbon sells lighter, more expensive clones, but they dont work.