Finally have some time to post this problem. I make long story short.
Ordered wcb-m-062 21" frame, headsets 2x, dropouts 2x, seatpost 400 and bb - everything was nice packed and came quickly.
Assembling the bike - was easy - except seatpost! I haven't take out my torque wrench yet, I already heard a tiny crack sound

This what happened
https://ibb.co/c5hRZaI was thinking "OK, maybe I overnighted the clamp" but this time I ordered seatpost from Peter (30 days waiting) - assembled this time with torque wrench.... and.... and... on 2nm I heard a similar crack sound again....
https://ibb.co/n01QSvContacting Peter again and asked about seatpost clamp torque values - same as others.. starting from 3nm.
I don't know can you see on the pictures, but these are not cracks.... it's more like cuts...
Starting to inspect the frame and find this
https://ibb.co/fctTfFthe inner frame was very sharp and the shape is like a pliers - just a tiny torque acting like cutting in.
So.. I file this sharp edges off.... ordered new seatpost again!

and the grass is green and sky is blue, everything is OK now and bike hitting xc marathons several months.
Contacted the workswell company seller and told them everything.... the only thing they said is "You overtightened the clamp."
sorry about bad english..