Haven't gotten to the scary/good stuff yet, but here is what has happened so far.
Package arrived today, opened it up for a quick peek, new parts are so Pretty!!!
Went for one last ride without a dropper post.
Then I decided to open up and inspect everything, which included weighing things, of course!
Original Carbon 410mm post was 226grams, I had 7+ inches of post inserted in the frame, so I could have cut this and probably dropped it closer to 200grams.
Now the New post is not just the weight of the post, but also cable, lever and bracket.
The post itself weighed in at 479 grams, when advertised was 467 grams.
Lever was 27 grams, bracket was 11, for total 38, advertised was 35.1g.
Cable and connectors came in at 76grams.
So total weight is 581g, compared to advertised 550g for the 375mm with 125mm drop. This equates to a gain of 355 grams. EEEEEK, oh well, I can personally stand to lose 20 lbs, so I guess .78% of a pound isn't terrible.
Because this will require drilling of the frame, I decided I would fit the lever first, and test fit the cable to decide where I want to drill. This is about where I got to this evening. I have now decided where to drill and will do that and the remaining install tomorrow evening.
NOW for pictures.

20180726_222413.jpg by
Matthew Kogan, on Flickr
20180726_222833.jpg by
Matthew Kogan, on Flickr
20180726_222856.jpg by
Matthew Kogan, on Flickr
20180726_233049.jpg by
Matthew Kogan, on Flickr
20180726_222949.jpg by
Matthew Kogan, on Flickr
20180726_223045.jpg by
Matthew Kogan, on Flickr
20180726_224829.jpg by
Matthew Kogan, on Flickr
20180726_225140.jpg by
Matthew Kogan, on Flickr
Hole is going to go in the center of the red pin striped area. Gives good range of motion and I think will look clean.
20180726_225318.jpg by
Matthew Kogan, on Flickr
This is from the Santa Cruz cable guide kit. Shouldn't require anything fancy, I think either a round or slightly oval hole will work fine.