Author Topic: Plasti Dip  (Read 12449 times)


Re: Plasti Dip
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2014, 11:22:36 AM »
I tried to make a nice design, but it's a hell of a job. There're eight layers of plastidip needed to cover up the frame nicely. After every two layers, I've to remove the design tape, let it dry, put tape on again, spray two layers, remove tape, dry, tape on again, etc. It's a very secure job.

Made a mistake, didn't remove the tape after two layers, the plastidip sticks on the tape and I damaged the design when removing the tape. So, I could start over again.

So, it's on hold for the moment ...

Wow, that sounds pretty epic. Glad I'm not planning on any designs!


Re: Plasti Dip
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2014, 12:06:12 PM »
Hi all
I'm also interested in using Plasti Dip for my frame
I've just bought a FM196 UD Matte frame, but I've to admit that the color is not what I expected
all the frames I've seen look black and mine is closer to a brown color than black..

"UD Matte" may be this type of dark brown color, but it's not what I saw.. most of the frame really look blak

Plast Dip looks a good alternive to paint the frame.. if for any reason (warranty return for example...)  I want to change back to the origin, I would have just need to take it off

with a normal paint.. that would be another story...

do you have an example of your paint to show?

thx in advance


Re: Plasti Dip
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2014, 04:16:15 PM »
Sorry, I don't have a example of the painting. I removed it.
But it's easier to do your hole frame then making a design like I did.


Re: Plasti Dip
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2014, 01:40:17 AM »
thanks for the reply
how many "minimum" plasti dip layers is need to be able to remove it easily?
I did a try with 2, and I thought I could remove it in 1 piece but.... no
so I guess there is a minimum nb of layers to have a good result


Re: Plasti Dip
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2014, 02:45:32 AM »
I thought it was 3 or 4 layers. With 1 or 2 you have to rub of the remainder.
For a good result, I needed 8 layers of red plasti dip.


Re: Plasti Dip
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2014, 01:47:39 PM »



Re: Plasti Dip
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2014, 09:23:59 PM »
I thought it was 3 or 4 layers. With 1 or 2 you have to rub of the remainder.
For a good result, I needed 8 layers of red plasti dip.

I haven't done a frame yet, but in playing around with plasti dip on other things, I can confirm that the 3-4 layers is pretty much spot on. More is merrier, sure, but if your layers are thick enough, 3-4 should be perfect.


Re: Plasti Dip
« Reply #22 on: December 28, 2014, 07:54:06 AM »
I did my snow tires & wheels a few months ago.  Can confirm at least 4 coats, and when you put them on do very thin layers or else you get runs.  Would be cool to see it on a frame, but can't see how you'd be able to do a design (like MTB2223 found) - single color scheme would be best.  You could probably paint over the plasti-dip with something else, but would have to research it first.


Re: Plasti Dip
« Reply #23 on: December 28, 2014, 06:37:57 PM »
I did my snow tires & wheels a few months ago.  Can confirm at least 4 coats, and when you put them on do very thin layers or else you get runs.  Would be cool to see it on a frame, but can't see how you'd be able to do a design (like MTB2223 found) - single color scheme would be best.  You could probably paint over the plasti-dip with something else, but would have to research it first.

I've ordered up a "Boris The Evil Brut Sprung" fat bike, and one of the first things I think I'm going to do when it arrives is several coats of white base with a blaze orange top coat finished with a gold flake clear. So you'll get to see how a whole frame comes out pretty soon. Might do vinyl decals over it to "rebrand" it to something else.

Ultimate plan if I really like fat biking is swap out the Al frame for something like the IP-N019 carbon fatty frame. :D


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Re: Plasti Dip
« Reply #24 on: December 28, 2014, 06:52:15 PM »
You could probably paint over the plasti-dip with something else, but would have to research it first.

I'd imagine the results would be similar to the first section of
Sticks but makes pealing a lot harder, also if the paint layer is too brittle it could crack on impact as the softer plasti-dip underneath it flexes.


Re: Plasti Dip
« Reply #25 on: December 28, 2014, 07:22:57 PM »
You could probably paint over the plasti-dip with something else, but would have to research it first.

I'd imagine the results would be similar to the first section of
Sticks but makes pealing a lot harder, also if the paint layer is too brittle it could crack on impact as the softer plasti-dip underneath it flexes.

I missed that comment - I've actually got some experience here. I used plasti-dip on my phone case to shoot it the same white/blaze orange/gold flake clear that I'm planning for the bike. Looked great, was very happy with it - but the gold flake clear top coat is _STICKY_. I mean, if I was using this stuff for a tool handle (as it was originally intended!) it'd be awesome, but putting the phone into a pocket and getting it back out was a real pain in the ass because it was so grippy. So I shot one coat of a standard high gloss clear paint (not plasti dip) over it, let that dry, and that fixed the stickiness. The edges had been peeling a little, but the back was still intact, so to see if my results matched the ones in the video, I just peeled it off completely. Although it didn't have that super stretchiness that it usually has (thanks no doubt to the top coat of conventional clear) it peeled off in one large sheet with no problems. Note that he did say that he shot 3-4 coats of standard clear over the plasti dip, that might have contributed to his problems getting it off. I only needed the one.


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Re: Plasti Dip
« Reply #26 on: December 30, 2014, 10:37:47 AM »
That's useful info, I was planning on using gold metaliser, might be worth waiting for the new gloss topcoat, is apparently much more glossy and from the DYC videos the higher the gloss the more slippery the finish.


Re: Plasti Dip
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2015, 02:16:55 PM »
That's useful info, I was planning on using gold metaliser, might be worth waiting for the new gloss topcoat, is apparently much more glossy and from the DYC videos the higher the gloss the more slippery the finish.

Speaking of DYC I just got a new (to me) car and am kicking around the idea of doing stripes with plasti dip.  Easy as hell to try and easier to give up and peel them off if it looks like ass. Just need better tape - the 3M blue I've got resulted in a surprisingly rough edge, looked like some dip was getting under the tape.


Re: Plasti Dip
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2015, 12:50:46 PM »
Try the green frog tape.  I used it recently for the first time while painting a bedroom for the wife and the edges were unbelievably crisp.


Re: Plasti Dip
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2015, 07:18:21 PM »
Try the green frog tape.  I used it recently for the first time while painting a bedroom for the wife and the edges were unbelievably crisp.

Funny, I saw that when I was in the auto parts store the other day and thought it looked like it was worth a try. Now I'll go back and get it - thanks!