Author Topic: Painting carbon frame / parts self  (Read 3622 times)


Painting carbon frame / parts self
« on: September 11, 2014, 07:08:28 AM »
I know that I could have asked the seller to paint the frame, but I could not decide the color etc. So I ordered my frame UD matte. has  anyone here painted carbon parts self? Can you give me some hints. At the moment I would like to paint few small stencil pictures  / text.


Re: Painting carbon frame / parts self
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2014, 09:53:15 AM »
I just a paint pen, basically a permanent marker but with paint, for writing a name on the frame, seemed successful, but the finish isn't amazing so wouldn't really work for larger things.


Re: Painting carbon frame / parts self
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2014, 10:04:58 AM »
Maybe it's easier to use stickers. I ask someone to create a sticker of a dragonhead (see pictures below).
It's also possible to create name frame stickers.

Dragonhead on my headset:



Re: Painting carbon frame / parts self
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2014, 01:22:24 PM »
What kind of place creates stickers?  I was thinking of starting off at a signage company.  Someone online said they paid almost $100 for a set of custom stickers, which seems pretty high to me.


Re: Painting carbon frame / parts self
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2014, 02:14:18 PM »
It's not really a sticker. Only the white sticks onto the frame. I sent my picture to this guy and he created three 'stickers' for me, for just 6 EUR (7.74 USD). It sticks on the frame very well, but I have to be careful with cleaning the bike at the edges of the sticker, it will let loose if I clean to hard at that point.

This guy owns . If you use google "bike frame stickers", you definitely find someone nearby.


Re: Painting carbon frame / parts self
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2014, 06:02:10 AM »
I went with vinyl stickers.  I found austin sticker company via etsy:
They can do 3 color vinyl 'stickers' that act/feel like a vendor did it.  Also, they charge per 'sticker' - around $8.00 depending on detail.  On that, they can't do fine detail....but maybe send them what you are interested in and see what they can do.
Just noticed they are taking a break so may not work for you if needed soon.
I attached what they did for me.
Later today or tomorrow, I will post up a pic of what their stuff looks like before attaching.


Re: Painting carbon frame / parts self
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2014, 03:50:23 AM »
I went with vinyl stickers.  I found austin sticker company via etsy:
They can do 3 color vinyl 'stickers' that act/feel like a vendor did it.  Also, they charge per 'sticker' - around $8.00 depending on detail.  On that, they can't do fine detail....but maybe send them what you are interested in and see what they can do.
Just noticed they are taking a break so may not work for you if needed soon.
I attached what they did for me.
Later today or tomorrow, I will post up a pic of what their stuff looks like before attaching.

Cool. That's exactly what I'm looking for.  I just wanted something on the down-tube that's basic but big.  I'm thinking just shiny black against the UD matt frame.  Is it the kind of sticker that you lay down and then pull back up, leaving the the decal?


Re: Painting carbon frame / parts self
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2014, 11:17:16 AM »
That is it exactly. Double sided...meaning, you peel off the part(bottom) that keeps the glue and then peel the top that protects/holds sticker together
I was generally going for a 'murdered out' look with something on the downtube(was going to add a chinertown decal on chainstay(i have 057) also)
I will try to post a pic of the sticker I mentioned in the earlier post.


Re: Painting carbon frame / parts self
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2014, 09:05:39 AM »
I finally got a picture of the vinyl sticker for reference.