Author Topic: 256 Direct mount compatibility  (Read 16412 times)


256 Direct mount compatibility
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:11:42 AM »
Tomorrow I'm going to the LBS, maybe they know a better way. Maybe a direct mount from SRAM?

Otherwise I'm put a small ring around the tube to prevent wear in the frame and looking after each ride if there is wear on the tube.
If there will be a lot if wear, I'm going to replace the tube with a external cable hose

I'm building a HM-256, I orderd from Honsen.
Does anyone know about the compatibility of the SRAM direct mounts? Does the S1 Low direct mount or S3 Low direct mount fit? Or should I go with clamp mounting?

« Last Edit: September 20, 2014, 10:43:50 AM by henri.a »


Re: 256 Direct mount compatibility
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2014, 04:39:26 PM »
It is obviously not the S1  Low Direct Mount type you need because the bolt distance of your frame is 22.1 mm, while the S1 is used on frames with 42.7 mm bolt distance.

However, both the S2 and S3 types will fit a frame with 22.1 mm bolt distance. I am also going to put a SRAM Low Direct Mount FD on my 256 frame, but I am not sure if I shall use S2 or S3 type, or will both types fit if the 5 mm spacer on the bolts are either kept or removed?

If this is correct, what type should be used without the spacers, S2 or S3?


Re: 256 Direct mount compatibility
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2014, 09:02:32 PM »
I'm using a Shimano FD-M785-E2 XT derailleur, which is a S2 model.
Because I didn't like the angle the FD cable makes with the frame, I went to the lbs for a SRAM solution, but there wasn't one. See,184.msg2620.html#msg2620

So, I'm very curious which one you guys are going to use and about the angle of the FD cable makes with the frame. Please post some pictures when it's installed.


Re: 256 Direct mount compatibility
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2014, 05:42:22 PM »
I'm using a Shimano FD-M785-E2 XT derailleur, which is a S2 model.
Because I didn't like the angle the FD cable makes with the frame, I went to the lbs for a SRAM solution, but there wasn't one.
End quote.

What exactly was the problem by using the SRAM low mount, down pull S2 or S3 FD?


Re: 256 Direct mount compatibility
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2014, 03:25:51 AM »
The FD screw holes on the frame are positioned horizontally. The holes of the Shimano E2 (S2) fits on these screw holes. The holes of the SRAM low mount FD got the rght distance, but are not positioned horizontally, but with some offset. Despite of that, the bottom pull of the SRAM is going the same way as the Shimano FD. The cable is making a half circle starting on the bottom pull of the FD at the left, going up, to the right, down into the frame. Te get a correct angle, is had to start on the right, going up, to the left and then into the frame. I couldn't found a FD that pulls down this was and had the holes positioned horizontally.

Some images to show the hole positions:



Re: 256 Direct mount compatibility
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2014, 05:01:09 AM »
Peter from Iplay said they designed the 256 frame, may be send him an email to know what FD they had in mind by putting the hole this way.


Re: 256 Direct mount compatibility
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2014, 05:52:52 PM »
According to the SRAM XX Frame Fit Specification ( it seams  that the SRAM S2 FD could fit. The angels and distances on the right figure on page 4 (frame right side) looks identical to my frame and lowest right figure on page 5  indicates that the wire will run smoothly to the "Front Derailleur Cable Mounting Point". S3 has a sideways offset for the front bolt and will probably not fit so well without some extra spacer.


Re: 256 Direct mount compatibility
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2014, 03:40:33 PM »

Finally a received a direct mount SRAM front derailleur (S2, 39, down pull) and mounted it on my 256.
The verdict: A perfect match!

I have to find a rubber protection hose to prevent dirt from entering the hole.


Re: 256 Direct mount compatibility
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2014, 03:45:01 PM »
Awesome !!! Do you have an exact type indication of this SRAM FD ? Maybe an url?

Much better than a XT FD like I have :(


Re: 256 Direct mount compatibility
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2014, 04:28:04 AM »
After 2 months of riding the IP-256SL (20 rides), I must agree with MTB2223, the design of the FD cable routing is a failure. Im using the XT triple chainring E type FD, I can never get the FD dialled in. The moment I think I have it perfectly tuned, the next moment the tuning is off again, I have to live with rattles and noises coming from FD. The unnatural bend of the cable routing just creates too much cable friction for smooth operation.


Re: 256 Direct mount compatibility
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2014, 07:03:09 PM »
This thread makes me glad I went with 1x11 for my 256.  This pairing seems like a headache.


Re: 256 Direct mount compatibility
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2014, 08:13:31 AM »
Erik, are you sure this SRAM FD will work ? Do you have already some experience ?

The holes for the FD in the frame are positioned horizontally. The SRAM FD required the holes NOT horizontally, but with a little offset, as you can see on the image below.


Re: 256 Direct mount compatibility
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2014, 01:22:48 AM »
The holes are not horizontal on my frames, but have a vertical offset of 5 mm. They looks similar to the geometry drawing and pictures that you posted yourself June 5, 2014, MTB2223, the third post in this thread:


Re: 256 Direct mount compatibility
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2014, 03:00:46 AM »
ehhh, you're totally right.  :-[
How on earth could I think that they were positioned horizontally. Even on my own pictures I can see they aren't.  :o

Changing my mind ...  8)

So, the SRAM FD's will fit. Only (?) the XX model is down pull at the left, not at the right as the XT FD.

Do you know if there are more XX FD S2 direct mount models around (left pull or right pull) ?
Does your SRAM XX FD has a (extra) model number, like 'FD-M785-E2' for the Shimano XT ?


Re: 256 Direct mount compatibility
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2014, 04:15:34 AM »
I have to find a rubber protection hose to prevent dirt from entering the hole.
Shrink tubing ? Maybe that works ?