Like checker_de asked earlier, would a float x2 fit? Thanks
I haven't recieved my frame yet, but from looking at the drawings - I would say that no, a Float X2 won't fit. I'm at least sure enough that I would be willing to tell you it's a bad idea to purchase one for the frame. Doing a bit more digging just now - I can't find a picture of a trunnion mount Float X2. This frame requires a trunnion mount shock - so I think that's a double whammy. I'm pretty sure that the external reservoir would interfere, and it doesn't come in the right mount configuration.
Even if mounted with the remote reservoir out of the little frame pocket - it looks like the shock body would either interfere or be very tight (see stephanB's "modified" bomber shock. . .)
In other news - Wendy tells me that they may be finishing up my frame in 15-20 days, so hopefully I'll get a frame for myself soon. I have a DPX2 already for it.