Can those who contributed to the mold costs DM me with your first name and initial of your last name, please. I'll then relay these to Chris.
There was a bit of a SNAFU with the mold cost apparently. It being $800 rather $500. Rather than trying to raise extra money I suggested that they add $20 extra to the price of the zero offset posts instead. Chris accepted this, and has also agreed to honor the originally quoted $30 price for the seatposts, or to charge no extra if ordering a frameset with a zero instead of normal seatpost, for those who contributed to the mold costs. Others who didn't will be charged $50 for just the zero seatpost, or $20 if choosing it in preference to the normal one with a frameset.
Having the name list will ensure that you get your discount.
From what I understood, work on the mold started a week or so ago, and Chris originally said it would take about 20 days to finish.
Names needed: