Author Topic: Any good carbon rim you guys would recommend?  (Read 4731 times)


Any good carbon rim you guys would recommend?
« on: July 24, 2021, 07:38:48 PM »
Going to build a "Full AliExpress" secondary bike
Likely going to get ican p9/evolve alpha as frame


Any good carbon rims you guys have had good experiences with?
I am on the heavier side 210lbs kitted.I know how to build wheels but I only dealt with big brands alu rims
Looking for 30mm to 35mm internal width 28H 29 or 275+, know a couple brands like Ican/farsports/"light ride bike store" from ali. Which one have you guys had experience with and how are they?


Re: Any good carbon rim you guys would recommend?
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2021, 12:34:00 AM »
Going to build a "Full AliExpress" secondary bike
Likely going to get ican p9/evolve alpha as frame


Any good carbon rims you guys have had good experiences with?
I am on the heavier side 210lbs kitted.I know how to build wheels but I only dealt with big brands alu rims
Looking for 30mm to 35mm internal width 28H 29 or 275+, know a couple brands like Ican/farsports/"light ride bike store" from ali. Which one have you guys had experience with and how are they?

I buy rims and wheelsets at for 7 years now.
They have rims at about $150-180/piece and much nicer lighter at $250.
Then the final price comes then from the spokes and hubs.


Re: Any good carbon rim you guys would recommend?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2021, 03:31:33 AM »
Another vote for lightbicycle. You should probably also look at 32H. The very minor weight hit will likely be worth it for durability and ride quality at your weight.


Re: Any good carbon rim you guys would recommend?
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2021, 07:49:41 AM »
I've been out of the loop on here for a couple of years.  That being said, I bought a set of wheels from Peter at XMCarbonspeed back in 2016.  I had those on a hardtail frame which he also sold me.  Around the time I bought a Fezzari Signal Peak which is boost, my rear hub on that set failed, so I had the rims laced into a new set of Hope Pro 4 hubs.  I'd say they have over 10,000 miles of trail riding on them, and since I moved to NW Georgia 4 years ago, they have seen big drops, crazy baby-head rock gardens, and all kinds of abuse.  They are all scratched up and look ugly now, but solid as a rock.  I can't speak for any other rim, but these I got from Peter have been incredible. The model is a YHR930C. 

Hope this helps.



Re: Any good carbon rim you guys would recommend?
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2021, 03:27:52 PM »
I put a CarbonBeam on the front of my ICAN, the 29er 25mm ID 30mm deep rims come on discount at around $118usd and I put a Venfort Pro 4 hub on with Pillar TB2018 spokes, total front wheel weight is around 640g, it is great, hit a bank hard enough to pop the bead but it resealed and I was able to ride out and when I pulled the tyre to clean the mud from the bead no visible damage, and no re truing required. Very happy and have the 220g venfort rear hub here waiting for CarbonBeam to go on sale again to get another for the rear.


Re: Any good carbon rim you guys would recommend?
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2021, 06:54:15 AM »
Check out BTLOS rims and wheels.  I've had a set for about 8 months and have put them through the wringer (Im about 85kg) and they have held up great.  Communication was good and shipped out reasonably quick.  I will most likely order another set soon.


Re: Any good carbon rim you guys would recommend?
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2021, 06:28:35 PM »
I've had good experiences with Lightbicycle & BTLOS

I really like the BTLOS shallow depth rims and my next wheels will probably another set from BTLOS.


Re: Any good carbon rim you guys would recommend?
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2021, 09:13:58 PM »
I've had good experiences with Lightbicycle & BTLOS

I really like the BTLOS shallow depth rims and my next wheels will probably another set from BTLOS.
Wouldn't recommend the shallow Btlos for a big guy. Mine are really flexy. They're the only carbon rims I've ever noticed flexing.


Re: Any good carbon rim you guys would recommend?
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2021, 05:20:38 AM »
I’ve had XMCarbon rims from Peter, Nextie, and Hulk bike rims. All have been great. For your weight, just stick with an AM weight and you’ll be fine. Something 450g or up.

Here’s a deal on some Nextie rims if you are okay with 29mm inner width. 28h will be fine if built properly. I’m 185 pounds riding weight and run 400g 32mm inner width rims from XMCarbonspeed. 28h with CX-Ray spokes. Total weight is 1475g and they’ve taken a beating.


Re: Any good carbon rim you guys would recommend?
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2021, 12:32:35 AM »
Thanks guys for the ideas. It's funny that I am from China and I know Xiamen is huge for carbon rims/Guangzhou is huge for carbon bike frames. But me myself have trust issue when it comes to these products. I recently talked to a bunch of carbon stuff seller on aliexpress and China's domestic ebay (aka. Taobao). Seems like in recent years, due to tons of OEM orders from big brands, the factories are definitly improving in term of quality and productivity. Chinese domestic market is not nearly as big as the oversea market. I wish I can get some info from the sellers in terms of what big brand they OEM for but none of them would disclose any.

Anyways side story aside, I have a few options in mind, will probably go for something around 500g and see what my experience will be. I will keep you guys updated!


Re: Any good carbon rim you guys would recommend?
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2021, 06:23:11 AM »
I bought a wheelset at carbonal, with Italian Extralite hubs. Really nice set, and superlight, 1350gr for 42mm wide rims!


Re: Any good carbon rim you guys would recommend?
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2021, 09:20:29 PM »
I just bought a set of wheels from

But I purchased it from the Alibaba procurement, saving a bit of money (though no logos, it still has the 2 year warranty). They're with EMS and once they arrive I'll look to measure the spoke tension and weight.

Light bicycle are also pretty well reviewed and their life-time warranty Falcon Pro series would probably be my next wheelset.


Re: Any good carbon rim you guys would recommend?
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2021, 05:04:36 AM »
carbonality; I have two sets, completely happy and they are average 200$ cheaper than  Lightbicycle & BTLOS


Re: Any good carbon rim you guys would recommend?
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2021, 10:22:45 PM »
carbonality; I have two sets, completely happy and they are average 200$ cheaper than  Lightbicycle & BTLOS
Couldn't find anything from Carbonality on AE, lots of Carbonal though.


Re: Any good carbon rim you guys would recommend?
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2021, 04:03:23 PM »
I put a CarbonBeam on the front of my ICAN, the 29er 25mm ID 30mm deep rims come on discount at around $118usd and I put a Venfort Pro 4 hub on with Pillar TB2018 spokes, total front wheel weight is around 640g, it is great, hit a bank hard enough to pop the bead but it resealed and I was able to ride out and when I pulled the tyre to clean the mud from the bead no visible damage, and no re truing required. Very happy and have the 220g venfort rear hub here waiting for CarbonBeam to go on sale again to get another for the rear.

Just wanted to add a note to this, shipping times ex china seem to have exploded. This rim here took 8-10 days to arrive from paying, I ordered another one on August 21 to build my rear wheel and now, September 19 it still hasn't arrived. I have two items in my mail tracking app from Aliexpress that claim expected delivery this coming week. Hopefully it does!