Author Topic: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production  (Read 26949 times)


Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production
« on: February 15, 2022, 12:53:31 AM »
Dear All:

Nice day.
New mold 2022 Enduro Mold FS838 now being production.
Now share some picture and information to this forum members.

Really thanks the supporting for all of you.
Any interesting and pre-order of this frame, feel free to contact us at any time.

By the way, Tideace, we also accpet the customized mold production and painting job work.

For this mold some inforamtion listed:

Headset: 41.8/52
Seatpost: 31.6
Hub: 148x12boost
Rear Shock: 205x65mm
Brake rotor: 203mm

If anyone have the advice or idea for this mold, feel free to reflect to us.

Many thanks.


Facebook: Tideacebike


Re: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2022, 08:11:07 AM »
Looks interesting, from the 831 frame I'd be investigating and putting a lot of time into ensuring the linkage design will not have any play in it.

Being able to fit a coil shock would also make this frame quite appealing, and also ensuring the fork crown will not hit the downtube of the frame.


Re: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2022, 10:23:35 AM »
Looks great , As above would need a lot of testing for the rear bearing placement and flex also the front of the chain stays look a bit vulnerable hanging down below the bottom bracket , Prone to rock strikes


Re: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2022, 12:03:21 PM »
Looks very similar to the norco range, which is a cool bike. This is also the first high-pivot/idler frame now?


Re: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2022, 08:07:40 PM »
It does look really  good. And instead of throwing more money at Heideli to fix my am831. I’m tempted to just purchase this, but of course from a different seller. Going to have a look to see who else might be selling them. I’ll post here if I find any.


Re: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2022, 08:14:29 PM »
It does look really  good. And instead of throwing more money at Heideli to fix my am831. I’m tempted to just purchase this, but of course from a different seller. Going to have a look to see who else might be selling them. I’ll post here if I find any.

This is Haideli(Tideace) Privated Mold, so others would not sell this mold, thanks for supporting.
Facebook: Tideacebike


Re: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2022, 08:23:08 PM »
This is Haideli(Tideace) Privated Mold, so others would not sell this mold, thanks for supporting.

Thanks for saving me time. Looks like I’ll find another frame then.


Re: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2022, 05:16:29 AM »
They will be popping up at all the usual sellers soon that's the only way it can financially work


Re: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2022, 09:54:42 AM »
Geometry chart? Leverage curves?

Water bottle mounts like on Norco Range?

Norco uses a different rocker link for each of the frame sizes. Have haideli adressed this in any way?


Re: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2022, 02:23:45 PM »
Geometry chart? Leverage curves?

Water bottle mounts like on Norco Range?

Norco uses a different rocker link for each of the frame sizes. Have haideli adressed this in any way?

The Range also includes a bash plate on the lower link which seems vitally important:


Re: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2022, 02:31:05 PM »
My guess is that the leverage will be nearly identical to the Range, but it would be good to get confirmation of this.

The Range also uses bolt-on metal dropouts and the carbon ends at the rear pivot (where seatstay and chainstay meet). The 838 is all carbon in this area. That might not be problematic, but there’s probably a reason why Norco went that route.

Lastly, the Range has a thick OEM rubber protector on the drive side seat stay because the chain sits so close to it. If Tideace uses the same protector now being included with the updated 831, riders may find that doesn’t have enough slap damping and need to replace it with something softer and thicker.


Re: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2022, 03:13:42 PM »
I had gt sensor 2014(btw, one of the brand frames which didn't have spacers between bearings) and chainstays around lower pivot were scratched as hell when I sold it, so yeah,  bash plate is a must around lower pivot

Also it would be interesting to see how haideli implemented the idler and the chain guide around it.
IMO chainguide and that bash plate need to be good and available as spares since it's unique parts to this frames.

The Range also uses bolt-on metal dropouts and the carbon ends at the rear pivot (where seatstay and chainstay meet). The 838 is all carbon in this area. That might not be problematic, but there’s probably a reason why Norco went that route.


I'm thinking that's might be so they have the same rear carbon triangle across all sizes while still being able to adjust chainstays length for different frame sizes.  Should be easier / cheaper to machine dropouts and rocker link rather than the whole different triangles altogether for each size.

Haideli doesn't bother with different chainstay lengths so hopefully that might not be an issue.



Re: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2022, 09:38:08 PM »
I had gt sensor 2014(btw, one of the brand frames which didn't have spacers between bearings) and chainstays around lower pivot were scratched as hell when I sold it, so yeah,  bash plate is a must around lower pivot

Also it would be interesting to see how haideli implemented the idler and the chain guide around it.
IMO chainguide and that bash plate need to be good and available as spares since it's unique parts to this frames.

I still have my Sensor, I set it up like a Sensor X with a 150mm fork before I got an LTS Force — now my primary bike — and set the Sensor up for my son. It definitely has a lot of pretty heinous gouging on that lower link.

You’ve reminded me that I was never terribly impressed with its pivots.

A replaceable bash guard on the 838 with readily available spares, and readily available spare jockey wheels (preferably compatible with those used on other high pivot bikes incl. the Range), will be crucial. This bike, at least as much as the 831 or 830 lineages, has the potential to be very popular if it’s executed well enough. Being a high pivot bike, though, presents some unique design challenges.

I guess we’ll see in time whether those turn out to be easier or harder to overcome than the pivot and rear triangle issues on the 831.

The first big debate might end up being whether the idler has to have sealed bearings or if bushings are acceptable.


Re: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2022, 01:09:10 AM »
There seem to be two different designs. Pics 2 - 4 show a link between chain stay and rear axle, the 3D renders and the one from Linkage X3 see the rear wheel directly attached to the chain stay. Pretty sure the latter is the correct version, since that's the same as the Range and the other one gives horrible results in the X3 analysis.

So I used the screenshot from Linkage X3 to look at the leverage ratio. Not quite as progressive as one might want, definitely not coil shock compatible since it's completely flat towards the end. Leaves room to hope that this screenshot is not the final design.


Re: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2022, 02:19:21 AM »
It actually looks more like the Deviate highlander