Author Topic: Shipping expectations, BXT from AliX or ICAN?  (Read 2688 times)


Shipping expectations, BXT from AliX or ICAN?
« on: August 12, 2023, 07:43:16 AM »
Just looking for a frame to get my growing son (13, soon to be 14, and already grown a couple of inches this Summer) through the middle school season.  He has a heavy FS, I have a bike I boguht from a friend with XT Components, but open mold frame and generic Carbon wheels.  Just going to move that stuff over to a small frame for him.  Hub spacing 142, so that somehwat limits me.

FOund a good fit on AliX.  I've never ordered anything beyond bottle cages on there.  August 25th estimated delivery date.  Ordered bike.  BXT has been contacting me every day asking if I want to upgrade "logistics" to get the bike faster.  $55.  Which isn't bad, but that puts the whole thing out of my budget.  They are now telling me that the date that is on AliX is only for a few countries, and mine will take an extra 35-45 days.  I'm not sure if they are just trying to wring more money out of me, of if that is legit.  Not much found on here about them, but it wasn't really reassuring.

FOund another suitable frame from ICAN.  I've inqiured as to stock status and shipping time, but not heard back.  I still have a few days on AliX before the frame ships where I should be able to cancel the order.

Can anyone tell me what to expect from either route?  WIll my BXT frame be nowhere near the 8/25 date?  If I cancel and move to ICAN, will I be more likey to be able to get the frame more quickly?

On edit, I'm in the USA (Tennessee, if that matters).


Re: Shipping expectations, BXT from AliX or ICAN?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2023, 08:55:48 AM »
I still have a few days on AliX before the frame ships where I should be able to cancel the order.

About this - I would be careful. The cancelation on Aliex is a pain in the butt. I went thru a frustrating experience somewhat similar to yours, the seller just refused to accept my request and I had to raise a dispute which, again, is a lengthy and slow process.

ICAN ships frames for the USA from USA itself and it will ship quicker if they have the stock ready in local warehouse.


Re: Shipping expectations, BXT from AliX or ICAN?
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2023, 09:17:31 AM »
As mentioned, canceling is not a simple or quick process. It’s entirely on the seller to agree to cancel or not. If the delivery time is manageable, I’d say just take it as a lesson learned.

Always have two or more options researched in depth before pulling the trigger on big items like frames, wheels, etc.


Re: Shipping expectations, BXT from AliX or ICAN?
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2023, 04:43:16 PM »
Thanks for all of the replies, everyone.  Main thing I was after was if BXT was doing the whole "bait and switch" thing on me with paying for shipping.  Sounds like I'd be opening up a can of worms trying to change anything.  I had found a few other options, all were going to cost me about 50% more (until I found this ICAN option).  I may just take a chance, and if it doesn't come on time, I may throw a shorter stem on my bike, and let him do the first race with that one.