Another way is to upload it to the forum directly without having to use a third party website. The only difference in doing it this way, is there is a limit on how big of a file size/picture you can upload. It's currently set at 512 kb max image size.
So, if you attempt to upload a picture directly to the forum using this method, and it tells you that your file size is too big than you can refer to the method that MTB2223 outlined above. Also, doing it this way doesn't allow you to change your image size before uploaded - something to keep in mind for really large images.
- First step is to simply start a new post in the thread you want to post pics in.
- After that, you will see a "plus/+" sign next to a link that says "Attachments and other options". Click that plus sign or link just like in the pic below:

- After you click on the plus sign, you will then see a grey button that says "Choose File".. Click on it like below:

- After you click that button, a separate window will pop up with all of your computer files in it.. Find the image you are wanting to upload and and double click it. After you've done that, the name of the pic/file should be next to the grey box where it before had said "No file chosen".
- Then, all you have to do is click "post" in the bottom right corner just as you would when making a regular post on the forums.
Hope that helps some of you out. Thanks for the thread MTB2223.