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Removing stuck crank arm

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--- Quote from: Ludo on September 07, 2024, 06:52:09 PM ---The arm on drive side is supposed to slide if of spindle easy, it did so on previous removal. This time I had torqued the set screw at the max recommended to try and fight a creaking sound, seems that it locked the arm on the spindle

Thinking of using a pulley puller but I need to find a bold to put in spindle to push against or maybe the bolt with the 8mm bit on it and push against that

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Is it the dub-style crankset that screws in from the drive side or the Shimano style crankset that uses 2 pinch bolts on the non-drive side? Pictures would help.

FYI - if it's the 2 pinch bolt style crankset, I toss the cheap stock screws and go immediately with titanium screws and grease the f**k out of them so I can remove them easily down the road. I only use Shimano premium grease nowadays, though there's a good AliEx equivalent now available.

It’s on the drive side, below link to the crankset for reference:

I don’t understand how it got stuck so bad.


--- Quote from: Ludo on September 09, 2024, 12:26:06 PM ---It’s on the drive side, below link to the crankset for reference:

I don’t understand how it got stuck so bad.

--- End quote ---

So the screw doesn't even turn? You might need to use some penetrating oil, let it sit for 24 hours and use a wrench with a longer handle to give you a bit more leverage. The only thing I could think of is that you didn't screw it in properly the last time and the threads are messed up.

Screw in middle of spindle is remove but crank arm is not budging one bit
At this point nothing is holding the crank arm on spindle but the friction between the two

Wet Noodle:
Judging from the picture, this is a self-extracting design. In this case, if the crank doesn't come loose, you should not be able to spin the crank bolt freely (counter clockwise) - unless

* the crank bolt or spindle thread is (partially) stripped,
* the crank bolt is broken or
* the extractor cap is not fully seated.
And then, it could also be faulty design (e.g. not enough thread engagement for proper (repeated) extraction or something).


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