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ZRace XG calipers- how do you bleed?

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--- Quote from: Takiyaki on September 18, 2024, 06:00:09 AM ---I have an AE bleed kit with all that, I feel like I'm just not doing the right steps to firm up the lever. Usually with brakes you can open/close the bleed valve, or like on my motorcycle the bleed nipple has a check valve so I can just squeeze the lever and it pushes air out and firms up. But with these brakes it's either fully open or closed

*EDIT* OK so I pumped the lever and it firmed up + works, but has a lot of travel before it bites. Is that just the way this setup is or can I get it tighter? I might just be spoiled by my motorcycle brakes... there is no slack in them whatsoever (ZX14R w/SS lines)

This is just a "townie" bike but I would like the best lever feel possible.

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Make sure you use the brake blocks placed in the calipers. Have the funnel with a small amount of fluid inserted on the hoods. Once you feed the mineral oil into the calipers (make sure you see the fluid come through from the top of funnel), pump the brake levers until you get a firm bite. The brake blocks in the calipers are very important to have in order to make these XG calipers function properly.

I'm honestly not sure they came with the blocks. At least not for bleeding without the pads in. I think I got them where they need to be. Glad I have Shimano on my main bike.

Do one ride and re-bleed them after that. I’ve found that the vibrations of riding the bike usually make any air left in the system travel up to the lever reservoir. That usually does the trick for me. Especially on the rear brake.

Follow the instructions for the Hope RX4+ flat mount mineral oil. They're almost identical.

(note: youtube embed not working, just search "Hope Technology: How to Bleed RX4 Shimano Calipers / Brakes" on youtube)

Both the ZRace XG and Hope RX4+ have the bleed port near the top of the caliper, which isn't as good as Shimano's "One Way Bleeding" with the bleed port at the bottom. But it should still be completely possible to get them to the same level, just with a bit more effort. Follow all the tips the Hope mechanic mentions.

ZRace XG has a port at the bottom, but with how messy this is I will just take it off the bike to bleed. Def learned a "RTFM" lesson here.


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