While waiting for further reviews/updates from users of this R088, could you help me choose the color for a possible new frame?
I had some "real" photos of the various metallic colors sent to me....at the moment I'm undecided between: color 4 (gray), color 8 (silver), and color 7 (red).
I would like a neutral color that goes well with any item of clothing, and I would have excluded black because I already have a glossy black bike and white because (as much as I like it) it's a bit too inflated.
The gray color seems like the most logical choice to me (even if the shades present in Pantone don't drive me crazy, in the sense that they are a bit "flat" and don't have shades towards other colors), but I must admit that I wouldn't mind a nice color that stands out from the black of the wheels and components, hence the idea of the red color.
What do you suggest?
Ah, my idea would be to then apply stickers (which I would have done in my area): front logo and brand name on the down tube....maybe opting for a tone-on-tone color, and striped or dotted graphics like the new Scott Foil Ultimate.
What do you think?
EDIT: Spcycle logo and brand would be slightly modified (see attached photo)