This isn't my first build, I've put together a few carbon roadies (all from Flyxii) but it's my first 29er from X-Goods. is 19" and fits v.well, I took it for a spin this afternoon and it's comfortable.
There were three issues with the build, the biggest is the Flyxii headset won't tighten down. The frame is 1 1/8" top, 1 1/2" bottom with a Rockshox Reba constant 1 1/8th steerer tube.
I bought a 1 1/8th to 1 1/2" adapter for the bottom race and I cut the steerer so there's 3 mm clearance for the top cap but it still won't torque up; something seems to be preventing it from
maintaining compression. The cap design doesn't instil confidence.
Here's the headset so where do the paper-thin steel spacers go?

XT Groupset included the wrong shifters; Wiggle have come good however and offered to ship me the right ones for no charge and I keep the old ones!
XT Groupset had the brake levers set for US riders (right brake lever operates rear brake) so I've swapped them over and as this was my first foray into hydraulic hose cutting/ swapping it went a bit pear-shaped but nothing a bleed kit can't fix. If could find one locally that is.
No rear brake, I'm waiting on an insert and "olive" for the rear hose.