Author Topic: Trailduro VPP frames  (Read 936 times)


Trailduro VPP frames
« on: February 04, 2025, 02:55:06 PM »
I'm currently suffering from horrendous bike envy after my mate bought a Bronson the other day. As I'm not a dentist an SC is out of the question so I'm considering building up a bike using a Chiner frame.
150mm travel, VPP, modern geo, ideally threaded BB, Mullet would be nice but 29er is OK, UDH if possible.

Can anyone offer any useful insights to any of these or offer other suggestions.

I'm in the UK if that makes any difference.


Re: Trailduro VPP frames
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2025, 07:34:17 PM »
I have a couple of SPcycle and one meinier. On the later if everything is like the 24” frame I got for my kid, it’s really impressive, inside the frame is super clean, the paint quality is really good too. Communication with their rep (Dan), was very easy. But that was a $250 frame; based on that I am struggling understanding their price point because it looks higher quality than what you pay for, so I am wondering if I am missing something
« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 07:36:34 PM by Ludo »


Re: Trailduro VPP frames
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2025, 08:54:57 AM »
The problems with the Miracle/haidelai/tideace frames are well documented on this forum. Stay the fuck away from those or any of their clones. Generally there's a rule here that if they look like the same product (same geo/looks/etc) despite whoever is selling it they're probably the same product. I believe there is a BXT version out there with less issues. To be perfectly honest the VPP frames have ranked pretty low on our forum feedback compared to other options like Carbonda or lightbicycle.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2025, 08:57:36 AM by Jotegr »


Re: Trailduro VPP frames
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2025, 11:12:55 AM »
Some of the BXT frames are made by meinier it seems


Re: Trailduro VPP frames
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2025, 04:33:25 PM »
I was part of the Haideli group buy on here. Heck, people even accused me of being a Haideli employee on here. My frame was ok but had the dreaded rear wheel wobble. The fix that guy did on here was pretty good, but didn't totally eliminate it. Then my frame developed some creaks that I couldn't solve. I scrapped it. I saw the BXT upgraded frame that seemed to have a linkage that fixed the issue with the Haideli design. It even had a straight top tube and looked so much better. And it was insanely cheap. I gave it a shot and its been fantastic. No issues yet whatsoever. No wobble, no creaks. I love it.