Speeder forks are used by a ton of small builders and brands. I think I first noticed them on Landyahtz frames. For a time were even carried by Frame Builder supply. I have no idea if Waltly is using Speeder forks--and I don't think they are related to Winspace in that way; but I could be wrong, as it seems like molds and designs are sometimes shared across factories. Factories also have multiple production lines, which don't all use the same technology and production methods, even if they can make similar products. Even if a product looks the same if there is a huge price difference it's likely more than binning, but it is nearly impossible to know without working with the factory on a design and having different options priced out.
There are too many custom builders for me to track, but at least in NA i think Speeder forks are more common than Columbus or Deda.
TLDR: Speeder has a great rep for their forks, and a lot of small builders use them as a lower-cost alternative to Enve, which honestly says a lot about how well they are regarded, given that most people consider Enve forks to be the best aftermarket option.