I elected to use a nashbar house brand carbon seat post for this build. It's better quality than I thought it would be and decently light. The only problem is that I ordered a 400mm version figuring that would be best for the XL frame. Man I was way off. Rolled the dice and decided to cut this one.

Done and installed.

I'm really liking this giant seat with this frame/fork color combo.

I got the drive train put on. Still waiting for the hub end caps so that I can properly bolt it together. I had to replace the clutch mechanism on this SLX derailleur. There is a stamped metal tab in these that is known to break and the one on this derailleur looked shady. Praxis wide range 10 speed cassette installed along with the chain, cranks, pedals.

Front end coming together. New brake pads and fresh bleed on both ends.

Cockpit mostly together. I still need to get the fit correct and then cut down the steer tube. Everything else is just about in place here. This is my first carbon bike build. I ended up using carbon paste on the stem, brake and seat post unions. No idea if that's right or not.

I'm giving these Redmonkey clamp on silicone grips a try. These guys are a local company and they seem to know silicone grips well. This is my first experience with any sort of silicone grip so I'm taking a half step... I'm not sure I'm ready to give up both a my odi ruffians and lockon grips all at the same time. Baby steps...

And lastly, it's not always rosy in craigslist bargain sloothing land. These tires were caked in old crusted stans fluid. I started out telling myself I was just going to clean the beads off and then the OCD kicked in. Ugghhh my hands hurt and the two ballest point sculpin's that this took to complete gave me a little buzz.

A few things left to do:-Replace the stans valve stems. They apparently do not seal with the easton haven wheelset.
-Get Hub End Caps - I ordered these from bikeman.com because they were in stock. Huge mistake. I bought them 4 days ago with overnight shipping and they haven't shipped them yet. I deserve this for not going through my LBS... le sigh.
-Verify Fit
-Cut steer tube
-Mount bottle cages
-Install frame protection
-Check Torque on everything
I was hoping to have this thing rolling by now but the few little hiccups that have showed up have slowed that down. Oh well, I guess I'll spin a few more miles on the squishy one.