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Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Flyxii FE-02 Build
« Last post by jonathanf2 on Today at 11:31:09 AM »
This frame is on sale for under $300 USD with shipping right now if you use the $50 USD coupon:
Magene P505 power meter spider for like $250 USD if you add a chainring (or a few small items) to activate the $50 USD coupon:
I received my first Wheeltop "Pre-order"  E-mail yesterday.   The prices are listed in Euros.  At the bottom of the email is a USA address: (No phone number)

820 N River St. Portland, Oregon
United States.

Looks like Wheeltop has a USA presence
Thanks for posting about your experience. can you add pics of the 2 bikes?
And which bars did you use? Mine feel extremely stiff.
To be fair to Novatec: you got fake hubs from Airwolf

I saw that i had edited out some of my text, so i changed it now so it mentions that it was fake. Nothing bad about novatec. I have changed to a new hub ordered directly from novatec on one of the wheelsets now. The only bad thing for me have been Airwolf and their support.
When I initially inquired LC about this frame, their response started with the following:

"LCR017-D is our latest bike frame and our frame designers also take the advantages of Cannondale SuperSix EVO."

If you're advertising your flagship road frame in this manner, how the heck did their engineers forget to include a proper Di2 port? Especially when my Yishun frame from their sister company included one. That is quite the oversight.

Isn't the Yushan frame a different mold? 
Component Deals & Selection / Re: Magene L508 Radar bike light
« Last post by ausmtb8989 on Today at 06:02:00 AM »
I've had mine for over a year now, and very pleased with it.  No issues and just works, paired to my Bryton.
Didn't even realized there were firmware upgrades till I read this thread!
Hope that helps.

Viewed from side:
Downtube: 50mm bottom, 45mm top, width 60-40mm (from downside)
Toptube: 20mm bottom,  top 30mm, width 30-50mm (from top side)
Seattube: 45 bottom, 45 top (only the upper area)

Thanks a million
Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Velobuild VB-R-218
« Last post by Queen of Skulls on Today at 04:36:31 AM »
For me yes. Not that I'm a weight weenie but it's always less weight. There are some ppl who says that they are better with a whatever lower resistance but I don't notice any difference. I guess thsts for pros. I ride for pure joy.
I have 1 rubber tube in the saddle bag though. It's always useful for an emergency either on my tires or other ppl who might need

the best way to save weight is for the rider to drop 20 to 40lbs....she needs too. i'm 6ft and 230. I like the smaller size for the tpu. for the ride bag. but if I am going tpu...I might as well go full tpu.
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