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You will absolutely receive it in time for winter :D

Lucky me in my Spain region, we have almost "summer" all the year long :-)
29er / Re: Best/modern dc/xco hardtail?
« Last post by Zeus on Today at 06:24:54 AM »
Good point :-)
Looks like a good one, maybe the price could be lower, but still..numbers are good and quality as well (I have a 909 allready)
Elite is selling so many of them, i think if they sucked or self destructed, we'd have heard about it.
+1 on hub maintenance though. I pay much more attention to my bikes since waxing my chains, because it's not nasty to handle anymore. So wet riding means water will go places it shouldn't be, so expect to take stuff apart more often to clean and regrease. Just like maintaining pedals, or other bits, i'd say.
Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Velobuild Advice
« Last post by Serge_K on Today at 06:20:26 AM »
if you're considering the 168, then get the 268. The 168 is outdated in terms of carbon layup. The 268 is reportedly as stiff as the 177, but it's more recent and accepts wider tyres.
Assuming you can fit yourself on it, obviously. If you have very poor flexibility, like if you can't touch your toes, then you probably ought to buy an endurance frame.
As for long term longevity, i wouldn't ride a VB frame from 5y ago because composites tech used has come a very long way (now stiffer, lighter, better finished inside, cable integration, aero, discs, better ride qualities...). in 3y you'll probably want a new frame anyway. Even though modern carbon fibre frames are, in principle, immortal.
Well, if oyu think going directly is a way....

The sellers just do not care....

Idk how it is to deal with Ltwoo directly. What i do know is that dealing with my reseller is torture.
Ok so similar in ant sizes and completely different in most other sizes

I doubt little people like being referred to as ants, but i genuinely didn't know 42 was a bike frame size. Or 45, for that matter.
The tooling cost to have fifty different frame sizes for a single model must be huge, i guess the existence of such small sizes means they plan to target China first.
I see that now these frames have a hole under the front derailleur hanger
Finally, I received the pictures from Carol at LC. The paint job looks amazing, and I was promised that they will ship the frame tomorrow. The entire process experienced significant delays compared to the promised lead times, but I hope the wait will be worth it. I will post the final mounted pictures with custom decals (which are yet to be designed).

You will absolutely receive it in time for winter :D
Finally, I received the pictures from Carol at LC. The paint job looks amazing, and I was promised that they will ship the frame tomorrow. The entire process experienced significant delays compared to the promised lead times, but I hope the wait will be worth it. I will post the final mounted pictures with custom decals (which are yet to be designed).
Ok so similar in ant sizes and completely different in most other sizes
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