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Messages - Jotegr

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29er / Re: Chinese SC/AM831 Group Buy
« on: June 04, 2020, 10:07:25 AM »
Dunno if that's just due to it being a proto, but 2.4kg is exceptionally heavy for a 15" frame of this type.

I'm somewhat loathe to engage this on this thread and not the discussion thread but here I go anyway.

You're right, it is heavy but keep in mind that the 15" is actually the medium and not the small. Personally I'm OK if this frame comes a bit on the heavier side if that means they use a few more layers of carbon fiber to make up for voids or other manufacturing defects.

Speaking of which, I don't know why you guys are insisting that you don't want PF86/92. It's simply the best standard for making up for shaky QC margins. I'm not going to accuse Haideli of being bad or anything, but it's certainly the safest option for a DTC Chinese frame!

29er / Re: Chinese SC/AM831 Group Buy
« on: May 30, 2020, 10:55:26 PM »
I'm happy to wait a long time for these. No rush here. If they're cool, they're cool. A chinese frame in this stage of development should just be considered a fun side project anyway!

Edit: I'd rather Haideli takes their time with this one than rush it out.

29er / Re: Aggressive Hardcore Hardtail
« on: May 09, 2020, 09:53:18 PM »
Why not get something titanium done up by Waltyl?

29er / Re: Chinese Santa Cruz/AM831
« on: April 24, 2020, 09:39:26 PM »
That's good. I only asked because I've seen pictures of new matte frames that look like they have mold release on them. And Light Bicycle's Recon Pro rims say they come out of the mold in their finished state. That's probably not the same thing and they use a special epoxy with UV blockers. But it got me wondering...

We Are One carbon rims and bars also come out of the mold in their finished state, no need to use a UV protecting layer on them either. So the tech is out there for that stuff, just haven't seen it applied to frames. Yet.   

29er / Re: Chinese Santa Cruz/AM831
« on: April 23, 2020, 09:32:44 PM »
I have never, ever heard of a Chinese frame shipped without a UV protecting clear coat at the minimum.

29er / Re: Chinese SC/AM831 Group Buy
« on: April 21, 2020, 10:40:11 PM »
Looks like I missed the sizing recommendation: I think I have to go with a size S? Anyone have recommendations on where I can figure this out? I’m 5 7” with ‘regular’ proportions. Thx.

We're waiting for them to confirm measurements on the listed 17.5/medium there, but according to the chart you'd need a haideli small. I don't know where the confusion came from on their end but it might be from simply taking the seat tube in MM and converting it roughly to inches.

Maybe Trek was smart to move away from the numbered sizing for mountain bikes.

29er / Re: Suggestions on Arranging Forum Topics?
« on: April 21, 2020, 10:35:17 PM »
My only suggestion would be to make a spot for people to discuss Chinese steel/ti/alloy bikes. I'm not sure how busy this area would be but at least there might be some resources gathered there over time for those looking for more information.

I'm also not sure organizing around wheel size is the best thing. Maybe full sus, hardtail, fatbike, and road/cross/gravel? All mountain versus trail and XC? right now 29er is the most busy, and I don't see that changing in the foreseeable future until maybe 31" wheels come out or something. So I guess before any re-design is done, I'd maybe ask what is the goal here? Make it easier for people to find info? Better categorize active discussions? If its the latter, maintaining wheel size divisions probably isn't the way to move forward.

It's also a relatively small forum so I don't know if its the biggest deal either. Your call!

29er / Re: Chinese Santa Cruz/AM831
« on: April 21, 2020, 09:54:01 AM »
I work at a Trek dealer

Radioactive orange is not a colour shift colour. Could be the lighting on that frame.

29er / Re: Chinese Santa Cruz/AM831
« on: April 16, 2020, 11:23:22 PM »
I can't speak to haideli specifically, but most of these guys can spray pretty much any colour. They have paint guns, a large paint collection and scales to make it happen. MAYBE some might not have the capacity to do some of the more exotic stuff like chameleon or marble effects, but for 95% of paint jobs I'm willing to put money down that if you're willing to pay, they can do it. They paint bikes for a ton of real brands, after all. They're subcontractors of subcontractors half the time. The 14 there are the stock ones that are either cheap or included. Ask Eddie when it comes time to order if you want something custom or different, and he'll give you a price.

29er / Re: Chinese Santa Cruz/AM831
« on: April 16, 2020, 06:43:29 PM »
Ok, can we generally assume that the color ways are matched to SC’s? 

Also, as a first frame up build this is slightly daunting with unknowns and hearsay.  For instance, is it better to just buy your own hardware (headset, bearings, shock bolts) for these frames? It is mentioned several times about the low quality metal provided, guys with shock bolts getting bent after a season etc.

I think we can safely assumed they are in no way matched to SC's colours in any way.

We'll see about that second point. Some people will have problems, some won't. There's a lot of unknowns around this frame as none of us have done any builds at all so far. On the bright side, if we do indeed get thirty or more of us to get one of these, we'll have a solid community to solve any problems that crop up. 

29er / Re: Chinese Santa Cruz/AM831
« on: April 15, 2020, 11:48:28 PM »
I can't answer much as far as weight goes. Probably around the same as most non-premium/specifically light paint options. My first chiner was painted just fine. Colour + clear coat like anyone else.

I THINK the basic colours are included in the price for this, but don't quote me on that. In the past I paid another 80 bucks for a simple custom paint job (several years ago).

Your other options are to have them clear coat it, which will be lighter than paint. I don't know if they will ship without clearcoat or with primer only. You need SOMETHING on there or the carbon will yellow and get shitty over time.

Other than that you can pay someone for a custom paint job (usually high hundreds to thousands of dollars) or DIY.

29er / Re: Chinese SC/AM831 Group Buy
« on: April 14, 2020, 11:58:25 PM »
Not just the bearings, the bolts, everything must be nicer! If we have the option. Otherwise we'll have fun getting it together ourselves I guess.

29er / Re: Chinese SC/AM831 Group Buy
« on: April 11, 2020, 12:54:03 AM »
No, that wasn't directed at you at all, moreso the other folks who have been posting and asking for more photos or doubting the product. It's reasonable to be cautious, but I think the concern is a bit unfounded.

I feel a bit silly for spamming this thread when we have the other one now too.

29er / Re: Chinese SC/AM831 Group Buy
« on: April 10, 2020, 08:25:53 PM »
Eddie knows we're stoked and excited to get ANY information on this. I'll be honest, he's probably pretty stoked too. Can you guys think of any other direct to consumer Chinese frame that has had ANYWHERE this level of hype before? I'm sure he sent us another mock up. It costs a bundle of time, money. and resources to make these molds and there's no way Haideli is going to make a mold just to prank 30 people in to preordering a frame with no shock hole. The idea's a bit comical to be honest.

29er / Re: Chinese SC/AM831 Group Buy
« on: April 10, 2020, 04:36:20 PM »
No need to cap it, I'm guessing the drop out rate will be quite high.

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