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Messages - adbl

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29er / Re: New DengFu M06 Build Coming
« on: August 23, 2017, 06:15:12 PM »
Thank you! The more I ride it the more I like it  ;D I keep saying the same thing, I don't have to "ride" the bike. Everything comes so naturally I never have to think about what to do. It goes where i want it to go without a second thought!!!

29er / Re: My CS-057
« on: August 15, 2017, 07:59:15 AM »
Good looking bikes! Nice builds. I really enjoyed my CS-057 and i'm sure you will too  ;D

29er / Re: Dengu m06 Build
« on: August 12, 2017, 10:10:02 AM »
I run a 30T AB oval chainring. There is a lot of climbing here, especially technical climbing with a lot of square hits! I was surprised how closely the chainring is to the chainstay when rotated. I'd be shocked if a 34T clears. The oval shape definitely hurts clearance.

29er / Re: Dengu m06 Build
« on: August 11, 2017, 03:34:11 PM »
I like the little video! I had issues with my chain as well. This is my first go around with Shimano mtb gear. I went with the 11 speed Shimano chain to go along with the XTR derailleur and hated it. Sounded like crap from the minute i installed it. Even checked the directions a couple of time to make sure it was spinning in the correct direction because it's a directional chain. The snap off pin is a joke!!! Needless to say the chain broke twice about 3 miles in the ride both times. Threw that chain out and went with a KMC. Silence..........Shifts perfectly too!!!

29er / Re: Dengu m06 Build
« on: August 10, 2017, 07:06:49 PM »
Looks great so far! Waiting for you to gt a good ride in and what your impressions are.

29er / Re: New DengFu M06 Build Coming
« on: August 09, 2017, 11:24:39 AM »
That's cool, any new impressions? What's the final weight, about 11kg?

Yes, 11.5kg to be exact.

29er / Re: New DengFu M06 Build Coming
« on: August 09, 2017, 11:22:56 AM »
Initial impressions" First of all, what a great bike!!! I'm coming off of a 29er hardtail so it is a lot different. It weighs 25 lbs where as the HT weighed 22. Can't really say a feel a huge weight difference in the bike but the FS is a smoother bike. The HT is more playful and you can throw it around if you need to. The FS is a bike that you ride and steer, not flip it around but it's still fast! If you know anything about cars i would equate these two bikes as if you were comparing a BMW to an Audi. The BMW has a stiffer suspension and a ride that allows you to feel the road more. The Audi is more luxurious and insulates you more from the road. Both are sporty and capable cars though!

So the M06 specifically. There is a lot to get used although all good! I like the slack headtube. Combined with the short chainstays it turns really well but different. It's almost like driving a vehicle with 4 wheel steering. As you enter the turn, especially a tight switchback, you feel like there's no way you're going to make the turn. Then when you approach the apex, the rear end comes right around as if someone one was steering it.  That's what i mean when i say it feels like it has 4 wheel steering. The front steers a little slower than the rear. Just something to be aware of. It soaks up all the bumps without feeling mushy. When you take a big hit you can feel the seatstays spring back as the shock wants to bottom out giving you a little bounce back from the drop. Not throwing you off but just enough spring back to help the shock rebound. I like the feeling! It has been a very easy bike to ride. It feels natural, almost a part of me. I don't have to think about how to ride it. I just follow the trail and react and the bike does what i want it to. All i can say is......very natural!

Small bump compliance is very good! I can now pedal through rooty and rocky sections that i used to coast through. Rear grip is very good. I run tubeless tires with 26-27lbs in the rear. I'm still dialing in the shock and have sent it out to be tuned. From the factory the compression is spot on but the rebound needed just a little tweak to make it perfect for myself and the bike. Those who have not experienced X-Fusion products, don't let the price fool you. They are great components. I've been extremely pleased with them.

As far as suspension bob goes, i haven't noticed any at all! Now, i am using an oval chainring and i know it's not going to take out all the bob but so far bob has not been an issue. When i ride on pavement you can hear the cadence of what you think would be bob but when you look at the shock, nothing is moving. Again, could be the oval chainring is helping. Who knows. One thing i can say about the oval chairing is that it definitely helps on the upstroke. I try to concentrate on an even circular pedal motion and the oval chainring gives me more power on the upstroke for sure. We'll see what the long term affects are.

It's been raining here all week so trails are closed. Looks like in a few days i'll be able to ride again and see what she can do! So far i have been very happy with the bike. It does everything i wanted it to do and does it well. It feels stable and sturdy underneath me and it is fast!! Just what the doctor ordered  ;D

29er / Re: New DengFu M06 Build Coming
« on: August 09, 2017, 10:45:23 AM »
Here are a few photos of the finished product  ;D

29er / Re: Woodie 057 Update (mostly Pictures)
« on: August 08, 2017, 12:22:07 PM »
I've had issues in the past getting the bead to pop on tubeless too, that's until i purchased an Airshot canister. It's a little pricey but well worth the cost. The key for me is to number 1) spray both sides of the tire with glass cleaner and number 2) stand the tire upright on the ground with the valvestem on the ground (like the six o'clock position). The tire will bunch up around the valvestem . Pump the canister up to 130 psi with a floor pump and open the valve! Pumps the tire right up and pops the beads every time. It really does work  ;D

29er / Re: Deciding on a Frame
« on: August 08, 2017, 12:12:44 PM »
I installed a RaceFace BB92 bottom bracket in my M06 to use with my Next SL crank. The bottom bracket came with a spacer to use with the long spindle 30mm crank.

29er / Re: Dengu m06 Build
« on: August 08, 2017, 12:08:43 PM »
Looks great! Looking forward to following your build to see how it differs from mine. You'll love the bike  ;D

29er / Re: New DengFu M06 Build Coming
« on: August 02, 2017, 08:47:42 AM »
I did and then again i didn't. When the frame arrived i expected to find a lot more moving pieces to the puzzle that i felt needed to be sorted. I found it to be quite a simple design with not a lot of bearing and clearances to be checked. Someone (i believe on this forum) posted a breakdown of the parts that make up this frame. I used that for my guide as to what i believed needed to be checked. Mainly i was concerned with pivot points and shock mounting. I have read many postings about people struggling with getting their shocks to fit. Seems like they were jumping through hoops to make things work.

So, as i first checked all the hardware, everything was tight and torqued properly. I looked at the main lower pivot point which houses bearings and made sure they were installed correctly. All was good there! As i talked about in my earlier posting, the rear shock fit in the mount perfectly with no clearance issues. Maybe i got lucky with the shock i'm using but the the bushings supplied with the shock were industry standard and the frame was built to that standard. Also one thing to mention, what attracted me to this frame was the fact it was a single pivot design. No pivot points at the rear chainstay/seatstay connection  so nothing to check there.

All in all, my intention was to completely disassemble the frame to make sure it was properly put together but there really was no reason to. I was very pleased with the build quality and how everything was put together  ;D

29er / Re: 057 BB30 Question
« on: July 31, 2017, 04:13:41 PM »
I'd go right for the BB30 from Wheels. They make good stuff and you'll like the 30mm spindle. I have a CS-057 with a BSA 30mm bottom bracket as i am running a RaceFace Turbine crank. You'll not want adapters. Here bigger is better!

29er / Re: New DengFu M06 Build Coming
« on: July 29, 2017, 03:14:04 PM »
Well, she's all finished!!! Ran into a couple of snafus but nothing really worth noting. Jut a matter of doing things twice to get it correct!

So far the bike feels really good and natural. I'm coming from a 29er hardtail (which is for sale now) so there's nothing really different about how the bike fits me. One thing though, i do notice the slack headtube angle. It feels like the font tire is 10 feet out in front of the! It doesn't feel that way in the matter of how the bike handles though. Can't wait to get her on the trail! We had some rain yesterday so i'm not sure if the trails are open. If so, i'll take a good ride on trails i know well and give as comprehensive report as i can. Tried to upload some photos but got an eror message saying uploader is full. I even tried posting one photos of 64KB but same message. I'll try a little later.

29er / Re: New DengFu M06 Build Coming
« on: July 29, 2017, 02:58:14 PM »
Are you sure you need all those spacers + positive stem + riser handlebar? The frame looks awesome though!

I know! I just threw on what i had at the time. The hardest part of the cockpit was cutting the steer tube. What a P.I.T.A!!!

I do like to ride a little more upright. I usually set my bars about an inch or two below seat height.

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