I have been a member of Aliexpress since 2014. Over the years, at least 200 purchases. My biggest loss was from Trifox, over a year ago. They sent me a defective Carbon Fork. Only wanted to credit me $40 or I had to send it back on my nickle. Would have cost more to ship it back than it cost.
Besides that, I have had several lost items, and received full money back, and a few low cost items that were really poor quality.
During Covid times, I had many orders cancelled by the store and my money refunded right away.
I have yet (cross fingers) to receive a damaged item due to the shipping or poor packaging.
Probably 70% of my orders have been bicycle parts, cycling clothing and bikepacking gear. The others, mainly electronics like security cameras for my van, house, along with a couple NRV recorders.
(All of the camera items have been really high quality and have performed well over the years.)