Hi guys, just signed up after reading this whole thread over the last few months and ordering a FM936 myself in a cool olive green paint scheme.
It arrived at last week and I have 2 questions which Wing hasn't responded to yet:
-1: does the newer FM936 versions still have a 31,6 seatpost diameter? Mine came with a plastic plug in the seattube saying 33.5, and my 31.6 seatpost seems a bit loose. Though 33.5 seems like a strange diameter for a seatpost so I'm guessing this is the seatclamp diameter, correct?
- 2: At the rear shock, is there supposed to be room between the top bolt of and the shock? I mounted a Fox Float DPS factory 165x45mm trunion but the bolt is way smaller than the opening in the shock. Is this right or does it need a bushing/shim?

Thanks in advance!