Author Topic: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc!  (Read 404886 times)


These are kids size


Lightweight Onirii rotors are now available as a Choice item. Only available size is 160mm either as 6 bolt or center lock:


It's a lot more expensive on ali and looks like a rebadged cybrei

If by "looks like a rebadeged cybrei" you mean it is a carbon fibre crankset then yeah, I guess it does. In the same vein it also looks like an Elilee or SRAM or Rotor crankset.


Not at all, just like lexon, the metal bits are exactly the same as cybrei


Yeah, I guess the metal bits do look extremely similar. The shaping of the carbon doesn't though. The Passquest seems to have much flatter faces with more rounded edges.


yeah, a minor aesthetical change that doesn't require a lot to make work, just like lexon. The metal bits aren't just similar, they're exactly the same on driveside and non-driveside


I was switching out my front derailleur shift cable on my gravel bike and I noticed there was some rust on it. I replaced the cable and put this rubber protector right at the end of the plastic guide tube to prevent water ingress on both the FD and RD. It can also be used with mechanical brake cables as well.


huh, thats pretty cool


huh, thats pretty cool

I like AliEx for little things like this.

FYI - the ZRace XG calipers have been working fine at least for road. Nothing wrong with LTwoo calipers and they might be better if aero is a priority, but since I focus more on climbing I prefer the weight drop of the XG calipers. I've been using them on both my mechanical Ultegra and ER9 bikes with no problems so far.


I like AliEx for little things like this.

FYI - the ZRace XG calipers have been working fine at least for road. Nothing wrong with LTwoo calipers and they might be better if aero is a priority, but since I focus more on climbing I prefer the weight drop of the XG calipers. I've been using them on both my mechanical Ultegra and ER9 bikes with no problems so far.

I run an XG on the back and a dura ace from EBay on the front—aero where it matters more


I run an XG on the back and a dura ace from EBay on the front—aero where it matters more

Why not go full Dura-ace front and rear?

FYI - the ZRace XG calipers have been working fine at least for road. Nothing wrong with LTwoo calipers and they might be better if aero is a priority, but since I focus more on climbing I prefer the weight drop of the XG calipers. I've been using them on both my mechanical Ultegra and ER9 bikes with no problems so far.

My experience with the xg calipers was fine for the first installation.  But upon trying to rerun lines a second time, I found the threads to be very soft and stripped them trying to crush an olive.  That and the ability to block the brake fluid with the hose placement (shown in trace velo video) was also annoying.


Why not go full Dura-ace front and rear?

Money, I found a random “salvage” DA caliper on eBay, and that was still like $100, which felt like an incredible score at the time.

The other thing is that one of my XG calipers started leaking, which is why I needed to replace it in the first place

Now that I have a setup that’s super light, works well, and is reasonably aero, I can’t be arsed to troll eBay for another deal, and then fork over another $100 for a DA caliper that may or may not work.


I actually found some decent deals for like-new dura ace calipers on eBay. Now that the cycling bubble has burst, there are a lot of top quality shimano components on sale.

I installed a more recent copy of XG calipers on my ER9 bike and they work really well. On more recent copies of the calipers, someone on YT posted a review showing they fixed the oil port hole by making it slightly bigger. The only other reason I swapped to those calipers was due to having problems running a 140mm rear rotor with LTWOO calipers. The 140mm adapter plate was refusing to line up properly. With XG caliper no adapter was necessary.

My bikes are definitely starting to look like an mis mash of components!

« Last Edit: May 24, 2024, 10:34:32 AM by jonathanf2 »