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What lube?

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--- Quote from: PLA on November 03, 2023, 03:10:58 AM ---prob overkill...

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I was more interested about the chemicals used in the ultrasonic bath.
And if you were only doing ultrasonic. Apparently not  ;D

Relber. The white and the red one are excellent for mtb and road in my opinion. The green is thicker than the blue, too thick unless you are in really muddy conditions.


--- Quote from: carbonazza on November 04, 2023, 10:40:29 AM ---I was more interested about the chemicals used in the ultrasonic bath.
And if you were only doing ultrasonic. Apparently not  ;D

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haha nah ultrasonic ain't good enough for factory grease. fac grease can be really thick shit.

right sorry, if you're not from australia, those chemicals probably make 0 sense.

metho = methylated spirits, denatured alcohol
turps = mineral turpentine, can be sold as a close variant white spirits in other countries
petrol .. well just regular pump petrol. Just anecdotal, but I found 1 petrol bath seems to reduce the number of turps baths needed by 2 for whatever reason

i still give a very small turps bath after i boil the chain before rewaxing. it appears perfectly brand spank clean after boiling prior to rewaxing, but once you run it through a small turps bath, it definitely seems to get more black shit out. i don't know for sure, but i'm just assuming it's from a build up of greasy road grime crap contaminating the chain and then not coming out when i boil it. just my experience, may or may not be true for anyone else.


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