I've decided I'm going to weight weenie it, I want to get it under 7kg cuz why not. Currently 7.8kg with everything on it
What I'm currently thinking
Avian Canary- 240 grams. 100g savings, costs 190 and 40 for the adapter to Factor.
I'm also checking for an option to go for an Avian Canary with the outline of the imitation black Inc. handlebar. I have inquired them and they can print for the bike an adapter to accommodate the cables with the d-tube steer. I'm not getting much more info when reading on the forum and watching on YouTube. some people like them others don't, it's like 80-20 of positive versus negative. The Canary has a nice weight, 264 gram for a 400 by 110 for a reasonable price of 290 euros.

Original Black inc:

The EXS (500 euro) is for me a bit over the budget as well as the original Black Inc. (550 euro) but I was also looking at a more aerodynamic shape that doesn't weigh that much more. I've looked into Patty his post (
https://chinertown.com/index.php/topic,5314.msg66946.html#msg66946) about the handlebars as well and consider the Tavelo Avro too.
One other that got my interest is the Rolling Stone Manta it's also around the 290 euro price point it's 80 grams heavier than the Canary with 345 grams and same weight than the one that I have now, but I looks more aerodynamic :

If I compare the 2:
- Avian Canary 265 gram, 290 euro carbon T1100 Less aero more climbing and all round. Not so good reviews
- Tavelo Avro gen-1, 340 gram, 290 euro no idea what carbon, but great reviews
- Rolling Stone 345 gram, 2290 euro Carbon T800 More aero less climbing less all round.
Anyway always nice to compare "stuff" too bad I can't find really reviews on the "unknown" Rolling-Stone handlebar.