Dang. There was just a price drop on the eR9 from the Ltwoo-official store, and I couldn't resist any longer. $345 before coupons and tax. After the $40 coupon it was $305. I actually added 1-2 things I had been needing anyway and was able to use the $60 coupon. (I either got $20 worth of free stuff or actually got the eR9 for $285, however I prefer to justify it to myself, lol). At $285 it's a slam dunk purchase. I don't have a disc road frame to use it on right now, but sometime in the next year or so I've been intending to do a build. I already have the eGR on my gravel bike and I've got over 1000mi on it and 1 crash that it has (mostly) survived, so I'm basically all-in on the Ltwoo ecosystem now.
I would have liked to have gotten it from 80s Designer Store, but I couldn't find it and I wondered if they had sold out. There was a review left on Ltwoo-offical store's product page from just a few weeks ago saying that the reviewer was happy to see it came with USB-C charging on the front derailleur, so it appears they at least are selling the v2 version (not holding out hope for v3). At $285 or even $305 for at least the v2 version, I couldn't be happier.