@ PeterXu
The customer has business with you, not with the factory. If you set your business quality to be dependent on the factory, then you cannot control this and will be bad for your business.
You have $100 bigger margins than your cheaper competition. I suggest from this buy some frames to have for spare parts or when customer needs replacement. Also there are not that many things to check on a frame to see if it is good quality - you should check every frame and not send any that has flaws. You should know the product you sell well and you should know what to check on it. If you send a frame with short bolts it was your responsibility, not the factory.
If you only relay the problem to the factory, you are only a middleman, you have no extra costs (other than communication) from such customer service and ultimately you are not financially motivated to send good product.
I believe you provide the best communication experience, you probably get the better frames from the factory, but you only provide the same customer service as the factory when something goes wrong. For people in US, Europe, etc. such service is not enough and they are willing to pay more to have a better one.
Thanks for your suggestion, Jerry. I am running business, I know I need to offer best service. And I had personally promised him that I would offer him replacement chainstay for sure since he bought the frame from me, not from our factory, but I need response from our factory as well. And as I said, we had holidays and then were focused on cycle show for past few days, I am so sorry we can not make everyone happy in any time with our service, if you got problem with your frame or rims during Chinese New Year holiday, you might get crazy

And we pay more than other competitors on better quality frames, so I don't have extra $100 margin more than those competitors, and you guys get what you pay for, but you should know our products are not big brands, and even big brands, their products sometimes have these issues also, but they have more than 100% margin so that they can offer replacement immediately.