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Messages - MTB2223

Pages: 1 ... 27 28 [29] 30 31 ... 41
After The Ride / Re: Chinertown Down - Hacked by Niner Bikes!
« on: October 29, 2014, 04:08:23 PM »
Haha. It was a long day without ChinerTown today. Downtime of more than 8 hours. Ridiculous. But a power outage isn't easy to solve. It was nice to know there are good and actual backups.

29er / Re: My first bike build: IP-256SL
« on: October 28, 2014, 04:37:08 PM »
I'm riding the IP-256SL with 2.25 RR ( with 1.8 bar pressure ) on the XMIPlay 30mm hookless rims. Last weekend I found some scratches on the frame at the closes point of the tyre and frame.
Please be aware of your lack of space between your frame and tyre.

Component Deals & Selection / Re: 256 Direct mount compatibility
« on: October 27, 2014, 03:25:51 AM »
The FD screw holes on the frame are positioned horizontally. The holes of the Shimano E2 (S2) fits on these screw holes. The holes of the SRAM low mount FD got the rght distance, but are not positioned horizontally, but with some offset. Despite of that, the bottom pull of the SRAM is going the same way as the Shimano FD. The cable is making a half circle starting on the bottom pull of the FD at the left, going up, to the right, down into the frame. Te get a correct angle, is had to start on the right, going up, to the left and then into the frame. I couldn't found a FD that pulls down this was and had the holes positioned horizontally.

Some images to show the hole positions:


29er / Re: Ip256sl building in progress
« on: October 24, 2014, 04:54:24 PM »
I found this via google:
- Axle conversion kits
- freehub conversion kit

Now you have the partnumbers, so it's easier to find prices.

29er / Re: Keeping it quite.
« on: October 24, 2014, 12:07:17 PM »
It's a sticker. What's white, that's a sticker. The aren't transparent parts.
I've got the sticker from Jeroen of . For 6 euro you get three stickers.
I ordered there also name stickers for my daughter her bikes. With name stickers you also get a country flag ( 2 x name, 2 x flag, 2 x protective transparent stickers for the flags)
 The 6 euro includes shipping costs.

29er / Re: Keeping it quite.
« on: October 24, 2014, 01:29:28 AM »
Here's the picture of the cable routing outside the tube around the headset. I'm pretty happy how they running, because they never touch the frame around the headset. Even when the steer is completely to the right or to the left.

Component Deals & Selection / Re: 256 Direct mount compatibility
« on: October 22, 2014, 09:02:32 PM »
I'm using a Shimano FD-M785-E2 XT derailleur, which is a S2 model.
Because I didn't like the angle the FD cable makes with the frame, I went to the lbs for a SRAM solution, but there wasn't one. See,184.msg2620.html#msg2620

So, I'm very curious which one you guys are going to use and about the angle of the FD cable makes with the frame. Please post some pictures when it's installed.

29er / Re: Keeping it quite.
« on: October 22, 2014, 10:07:00 AM »
Okay. '
Your rear shifter cable is going into your frame at the right side of your head tube ?

I switched the rear and front shifter cable to let it make a nice curve around my head tube. So, these cables are going into my frame without touching my head tube.Even when I'm steering. (I'll make a picture this evening to show you what I mean)

Maybe that is a nice solution for you ?

29er / Re: Keeping it quite.
« on: October 22, 2014, 02:04:52 AM »
I was trying to find a black, sticky on one side, rubber/foam piece. I would use it between the head tube and brake line, shift cable. The cables make a really annoying noise when it gets bumpy. Any recommendations?
Yes, please take a look here:,150.msg2326.html#msg2326 or here

29er / Re: Keeping it quite.
« on: October 20, 2014, 12:50:09 AM »
Good topic!

I have to do the foam trick for the internal cables. It makes really noise.
For the rear shifter cable, I didn't use the internal cable guides, but I'm running the full hose through the frame. I drilled out the back and front cable stop to get the full hose through. This way it make no sound at the back (but in the top of the down tube).

Got a small noise issue when steering really quick. The solution for this was to put some extra shims between the headset cap and the lock ring. Started with grease, but that didn't workout.

Seat post noise issue is easy to solve: clean up the seat post and frame. If the seat post wiggle (?) a little bit, use some hair spray to make it a little bit thicker (three spray sessions). And then use some carbon paste. Tighten the seat post clamp with 4 nm, with a max of 6 nm. This works so for good for me.

My wheel set made some rubber on rubber sound. Couldn't find it in the first place, but when opening the hub, getting of the conversion adapter, I found a small rubber closing ring. I putted some grease on it and now it's silent.

Creaking crank needs definitely some grease or a new bottom bracket bearing.

Always clean up before greasing.

29er / Re: 256SL Sourcing
« on: October 17, 2014, 01:42:11 PM »
I actually enjoy looking for parts & finding deals on ebay.
It's even more fun to look on AliExpress :) for example search on "brake rotor" or "handlebar".

29er / Re: 256SL Sourcing
« on: October 17, 2014, 07:30:59 AM »
Hi Steve,

most of the time Peter response within 12 hours. But he's also a busy guy, so, please be patient, he will answer.
I contacted him always by email.

Do you already have a build list ?

29er / Re: Ip256sl building in progress
« on: October 17, 2014, 04:54:28 AM »
It's easier to shorten the handlebar than make it longer  ;)

Yes, I notice some more grip with the 30mm rims. But, I'm not really sure, I also notice some more resistance when riding in the mud, but again, I'm not really sure yet. I'm finding the right pressure. I'm now riding the same pressure as carbonazza, 1.8-2 bar (I'm 82 kg).

29er / Re: Ip256sl building in progress
« on: October 17, 2014, 04:14:32 AM »
Are you sure about the handlebar ? I think 62 cm is to short ( I know you're coming from a 26er). My previous 29er had 71 cm, now I'm riding 68 cm. And I had to get used to it

Got my wheelset from xmiplay and they are really great. Light, 1540 gr, Novatec hubs (= easy to maintain). I like them.

After The Ride / Re: The "Chiner movement"?
« on: October 15, 2014, 03:23:31 AM »
I don't think it will be a market disruption. Not everyone dare to build a own bike, only a few. Most of the people don't trust the quality of Chinese frames. They want good warranty. And when I'm looking to the people who ride races, they need good warranty, because they are abusing there bike like a way we, as normal bikers, don't do. Every time when they have a crack into their frame, they getting a new one.
Our MTB club has got 650 member (not all active) and two or three are riding a Chiner.
So, I don't think the Chines carbon frame have a big impact on the market.

It's a huge step to buy overseas, don't know the duties, the warranty, the quality.

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