I think there's a finite universe of cheap "brands" on aliexpress and we're all being shown the same stuff on AliX. spending time on alibaba broke me, i realized how cheap stuff is if you go to the source and get charged shipping separate.
i did buy around 30 jerseys on aliX this season alone, and returned around 20. So, there's that as well :p I am my friends' AliX guru, so not all the purchases are for me (although most are).
my favourite jersey so far is from PASMAAP, btw. it's a bit short, but i m trying to see if they will accept to customize designs and sizing, because if that's the case, i can see myself ordering a big batch of kit for me & friends.
i got their LS white jersey, uses 4 different fabrics, and it's very well made, with great marerials. It's really not rocket science, but at around 20 eur, it's something MAAP charges you at least 5x more.
if you order from them, please drop them a message saying they were recommended by the french guy who asks too many questions, that way i have leverage to ask even more questions